reeler said:
I special ordered a Bolt in San Diego for export to Colorado. About a month ago, GM issued an edict to stop export. They require you to register and pay taxes in California so that GM will get their CARB credits. The service excuse is just a smoke screen.
GM pays Tesla and others to buy CARB credits and it is quite expensive. Selling in CA/OR saves them a bunch of money. Even though they are rolling out in other states, it is most profitable in those states that have CARB regulations.
Actually, GM has a surplus of credits and has not been purchasing them from Tesla (or anyone else).
As of Aug 31st, 2016 (last data available)
GM had a credit balance of 23,740
Tesla had a credit balance of 3,530
We know Tesla later sold all their credits in Q3 in order to show a profit to investors ($139M in credits to show a $22M profit for the quarter)
ZEV (BEV & AT PZEV) credit transfers recorded between October 1, 2015 and August 31, 2016.
GM does get ZEV credits for CA/OR sales, and they do have some value, but they have not been active in selling their ZEV credit surplus. They are not desperate for credits and that the few that would be shipped out of state would have very little impact on their ZEV balance. And those vehicles are not "lost" CA/OR sales, they are just time shifted to an earlier date since the Bolt will be available in non-ZEV states shortly.
I think it is mostly a service/territorial issue. I imagine dealers waiting for the Bolt in other states would not be happy to see their customers buying out of state (Vancouver, WA buyers could drive 5 miles to a Portland dealer). And those going to more distant locations may not have service available for 6 months.