SparkE said:Anxiously awaiting news of any Express Plus installs in the U.S.
+1 agreed!
SparkE said:Anxiously awaiting news of any Express Plus installs in the U.S.
We hope to be able to share news here for you all very soon! Also, to keep up with the latest follow us on Facebook - we'll often share the news with the EV community there first!Evoforce said:SparkE said:Anxiously awaiting news of any Express Plus installs in the U.S.
+1 agreed!
DNAinaGoodWay said:60% of workplace drivers may give that answer on a survey, but 59.9% of them may be lying.
We’ve had a 2 plug L2 at work for 5 years now. I love it, especially when I had LEAFs, it was great to leave work fully charged.
There’s about 500 cars in the lot every day, and in 5 years, it’s been almost exclusively used by me and the security team C-Max.
ChargePoint said:We've recently released our annual Charging Forward Report (our state of the industry report).
Here's where you can download the full report:
Charging Forward provides a vivid snapshot of the state of electric mobility, tracks the growth of EV charging and mass EV adoption, and paints a picture of what’s to come in electric mobility, utilities, fleets, vehicle technology and more.
In addition to taking a look back at the year before, the Charging Forward report takes a look forward, making several predictions about what’s to come in the world of e-mobility.
By 2020, we're estimating that more than three million public charging spots will be installed globally, supporting the mass adoption of electric vehicles around the world. As electric infrastructure grows, utilities and automakers will explore new business models that reflect the new realities and technologies associated with e-mobility.
seattlite said:Any discounts/credits for folks that purchased a Chargepoint Home Charger? I just completed my first charge from the unit...pretty cool stats/graphs. Great situational awareness on how much kWh and subsequent cost one is putting in the vehicle....awesome home EVSE!
mwk said:Hi.
So you do know that there is an EAST COAST in the United States, in addition to California, right? People here in New England would also like to travel along our interstates, secure in our knowledge that we can recharge our cars. Right now, if I want to drive to NYC from Boston, there is exactly ONE Charge Point charging station in back of a motel, off of I-95, not really walking distance to anything. When are you planning to put maybe one or two more locations on line?
Pigwich said:Hey, changing the subject to something more productive and friendly, would chargepoint consider letting individuals with OCPP capable chargers at home sign their machines up to allow plugshare style sharing, except that the homeowner gets paid? Like in other words, a light, private use version of the commercial product? Or even a free version that earned you only chargepoint credit? With rates that obviously made sense to everybody?
Just a thought.
JerryBob said:Dear ChargePoint,
I was recently given one of your cards. I always charge at home and have been using an ICE car for long trips. I would like to start using the Bolt for longer trips but due to privacy concerns I do not like signing up for Apps. Someone else having access to my email, contacts, photos, bank account, and who knows what else makes me nervous. I was told that I could sign up and use your card at stations that do not charge a fee. Is this true or do you still require a credit or debit card info? Can I have a pre-paid account that the card uses that you can't just take money from my account to auto reload it?