Recent content by Naika4a90

Chevy Bolt EV Forum

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  1. N

    Where is the Energy Assist?

    It is the map tab, right at the bottom of the screen (on iOS).
  2. N

    2022 Bolt easy reparation or totaled?

    It is hard to say. Did any airbag deploy?
  3. N

    My buddy got a free touch-Up paint pen from GM

    Yeah, haha! It could be awesome! Lucky guy.
  4. N

    Advice needed on charging outlet

    It is your choice! Good luck!
  5. N

    Can a key fob be programmed for a replacement EUV?

    That's not possible...unfortunately, I guess.
  6. N

    Need Help Resetting Chevy BoltTire Pressure Monitor System

    Autel TS401 or the ATEQ VT31. You can reset and reprogram TPMS sensors.
  7. N

    Why I keep getting service ESC on my car?

    Hi! Let me tell you the one-year story of my Bolt. - In the middle of the summer I started getting service ESC; - after a while, my car started not to work anymore; - I took it to the dealership by towing it; - the brake sensor was the issue; - I got it replaced; - I got the service ESC again...
  8. N

    Dash Cam Cable Routing for Bolt EV

    Tuck it through the headliner. It is easy to route in the door seal on the inside. Add more two-camera dash. Easy! :D
  9. N

    My buddy got a free touch-Up paint pen from GM

    Did it just show up in his mail without him asking for it or did he ask for it? If it is the first one, then tell him to borrow me some luck, haha!
  10. N

    Yellow light appears when I use the 240V outlet

    Hi, everyone! My charger gets a yellow light when I use the 240V outlet. I found the ground wire wasn't connected. I had a dealer replace the faulty cable, but the new one also has the same issue. I tested it with the 120V one and I had no issues. What could be the cause?
  11. N

    Installing a wink mirror

    Yeah, just be aware that under the headliner there is a void and the stiffening cross that you have used to attach the mirror to is too far back. You have to make a mounting point to droll the holes for the mounting screws otherwise the screws will protrude through the roof, then you have to...
  12. N

    “Charge Door Open” Warning Message Solution

    Oh, wow! That's crazy and funny at the same time. 😅 This might be helpful. Who knows when this happens to some of us, too? Thanks for sharing.
  13. N

    Annoying Issue with Bolt EUV

    I think this could happen only because the cable was not fully inserted into the charge port and therefore the car didn't block drive modes because of that. Anyway, if this is how it happened, you have to fix this pretty fast. As for the tips part: do the charging part yourself next time. 🙄🤐
  14. N

    What could be causing noise from a Chevy Bolt EV rear trunk?

    Have you checked down to the bottom of the barrel? Also, check the dealer license plate frame.