Wilsonville Chevy in Oregon

Chevy Bolt EV Forum

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New member
Oct 12, 2016
Wilsonville Chevy in Oregon (USA) has a small allocation of Bolts. Just ordered mine with expected delivery in early December.
Thanks for sharing!

Are you locked in on delivery of a Bolt from Chevy? Or is it simply a deposit when the dealership gets a Bolt in?
$1000 deposit. I want to least see and drive this car in person before buying.
At the time I ordered, they'd already sold 5 of their 9. They're sending in the order tomorrow.
Any idea when you will get to see it in person? If dealer is putting in order today hopefully they will get some delivery date information...
I think he wanted to know if the owners had heard any updates or not.

Typically dealerships are quiet on info, and even quieter to a random person calling them up and asking.