USB Stick Music

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Mar 1, 2017
I've a USB stick with 1000 songs in port USB1 but the system only sees 77. This stick works fine with my other cars. Is it a DRM issue? All songs are loaded from my iTunes file and they play fine on iPods/iPhones and my computer. USB2 has the same result. thanks.
jnzotz said:
I've a USB stick with 1000 songs in port USB1 but the system only sees 77. This stick works fine with my other cars. Is it a DRM issue? All songs are loaded from my iTunes file and they play fine on iPods/iPhones and my computer. USB2 has the same result. thanks.

Hi jnzotz,

Thanks for reaching out! Have you attempted to test alternate USB sticks (with 77+ songs) in USB1 and USB2? If you have, and the system is still not accurately reflecting the number of songs available, please send me a private message so I can look into this further.

If you do need to send me a private message, please send me your VIN, contact information, vehicle mileage, preferred dealer name, and more information about the USB sticks you've tested. We can proceed accordingly from there.

To review GM's privacy policy, please visit

Amber G.
Chevrolet Customer Care
Thanks. I will send further info if needed but first let me say that that the 77 songs the system recognizes are .AIFF and .MP3 files. All the others are either .MP4, .M4A or .MPEG-4 and it is these that it does not see or is programmed to ignore. The USB stick is a Kingston 16gb one but I get the same result with a Patriot 32gb one. Does this help you? If not I'll send you the vehicle info.
So, no response from Chevy on this. Does anyone else have this problem or a clue as to how to resolve it - other than convert 1000 songs to a different format?
I have a similar problem as jnzotz with the music stored in my USB stick, but in my case I got a message from the car's display telling me that the limited amount of folders had been reached. I have all my music categorized in folders, so I spend some time minimizing the amount of folders by combining music files in less folders, now I don't get that message anymore but still not all my music folders show up, annoying when you think about you just bought a 40K car with a very nice infotainment system :( :( :( :(
jnzotz said:
I've a USB stick with 1000 songs in port USB1 but the system only sees 77. This stick works fine with my other cars. Is it a DRM issue? All songs are loaded from my iTunes file and they play fine on iPods/iPhones and my computer. USB2 has the same result. thanks.

If the music files have any sort of DRM on them, the Bolt can't play them back.

From page 165 of the manual:

Music files to which DRM (Digital Right Management) is applied cannot be played.

You'll need to get non DRM'd music files loaded on the stick in order to use them in the Bolt.
Zago said:
I have a similar problem as jnzotz with the music stored in my USB stick, but in my case I got a message from the car's display telling me that the limited amount of folders had been reached. I have all my music categorized in folders, so I spend some time minimizing the amount of folders by combining music files in less folders, now I don't get that message anymore but still not all my music folders show up, annoying when you think about you just bought a 40K car with a very nice infotainment system :( :( :( :(

Page 165 of the anual states that:

The infotainment system can support USB storage devices that are in capacity with a limit of 5,000 files (music and photo), and 15 stages of folder

Do you have more than 15 levels worth of folders? Also, are you sure that all of your music files have the correct tags? I've used some systems where if the file wasn't properly tagged with at least Artist, Song Title, and Album, the file wouldn't show up in the list of songs that could be played. Also, be sure to check for DRM'd files because those can't be played back, either.
Thanks to all for the advice. DRM might be an issue but I cannot figure why they would make a system to prevent one from moving purchased iTunes songs to a USB Stick and play them. My other two car's radios have no issue like this. One's an eSmartcar though. :D I think it's the format not the DRM. Of the 77 songs that play, none are in folders and three of the albums were purchased from Apple just like the ones that don't play. But as I said above, they have different file types.
Perhaps it is filtering out those other file extensions which would appear to be audio only extensions(.MP4, .M4A or .MPEG-4) ?
flamaest, thanks for your post. I'm not sure what you mean however. Yes, the files that don't play are audio file types. Why would an audio system filter them out? What am I missing about this?
I arranged my USB stick to 3 levels of folders;

folders 12345... have abcd... in each of them, and inside abcd... I have folders 1-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100 and inside each of those folder I have my mp3 files.

If I unplug the USB and plug it again it randomizes the way it reads the folders, strange..
jnzotz said:
So, no response from Chevy on this. Does anyone else have this problem or a clue as to how to resolve it - other than convert 1000 songs to a different format?

Hi John,

I just wanted to close the loop with you here and let you know that I have responded to the private message you sent. Please review that at your earliest convenience.

Looking forward to working with you further!

Amber G.
Chevrolet Customer Care
Just joined the forum. Love my new Bolt. Have a couple of comments/requests re: USB stick music. Hitting the 5000 file limit on the stick. Would like to see this raised so I can access my entire music library which easily fits on one USB stick. Second. It does play my WMA Lossless files (YAY) which is the format for my entire music library. However It does not display cover art which I have embedded in each track. (BOO) would really like to see an upgrade that would display WMA cover art. Thanks.
(Hope Chevy is listening)
Following up my previous post. I tried some MP3 files with embedded cover art. That did not display either. Can the Bolt display cover art? And if so, under what circumstances?

Well, bummer. Called the infotainment support center and they say they no longer display album art from USB drives. Only the text info. They expect you to be using a smart phone to play music which would supposedly then display the cover art. Since I don't own a smartphone I guess I am out of luck. A little disappointing.
stuartm said:
Well, bummer. Called the infotainment support center and they say they no longer display album art from USB drives. Only the text info. They expect you to be using a smart phone to play music which would supposedly then display the cover art. Since I don't own a smartphone I guess I am out of luck. A little disappointing.

We're hear and listening, stuartm! We'll definitely include your feedback within our systems for the review of our development teams. They're always eager to find new ways to improve the Bolt EV, so they appreciate customer feedback like this.

If you have any additional questions about the Infotainment operation of your vehicle, please feel free to let me know.


Amber G.
Chevrolet Customer Care
Building on the questions here, I wonder about the order the Infotainment system plays files. I used iTunes to rip an audio book from CD to MP3 files, and put them on a USB stick. However, the Bolt displays and plays the files in random order (not alphanumerical). That was an issue with my former car. Back then, I looked around the internet for the solution, I learned that Windows files have a legacy from DOS days, in that they have long and short file names. I used a program called Drivesort to sort the files on my USB stick. However, I sorted the files and the Bolt still uses the old file order.

Does anyone have any experience or thoughts with the order of files?

I wonder if there's an issue with the Bolt re-sampling the USB stick. I've tried re-booting the entertainment center (hold home + fast forward while turning the car on). That doesn't seem to make a difference.

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