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BarnacleBill said:
I gave up on the salespeople at Wentworth. They are car salesman, true to form. Cannot trust them. They act like they have the only Bolts in town, and we are lucky if they call back. Aloha to them.

If my research is correct the Portland area Bolts are sitting at UPRR's Barnes yard terminal, about 2 miles from where I'm sitting. I have to wait for them to get loaded on a truck, travel 25 miles south to Wilsonville, get PDI and fill out paperwork so I can drive it back to almost where it's spent the past 3 days.

The yard is too far back from the main drag (N Columbia Blvd) to be able to see much of what's back there. There is a large staging lot that does appear to have a lot of cars parked at the moment.

This is the nature of the beast, it's not designed to prioritize anything. It's designed to move mass quantities of widgets from point A to point B as cheaply as possible...
I totally lucked out on New Year, went to test drive one anf somebody changed his or her mind on an LT Orange Burst, so we snagged one. It has CCS which i wanted, but didn't care for the extra $395 for the color and $100 for the silly shelf. But the wife approved the color. Test drove the premium, the leather is definitely too stiff. Really like the range and the one-foot driving in L gear
EldRick said:
Has anyone seen a Bolt in the wild in Portland yet?

No, but we are taking delivery of ours from Wentworth tomorrow or Friday (depending on lead-time to PDI it). Wentworth got a truck of 10 Bolts this afternoon - their first truck load.
Patronus said:
EldRick said:
Has anyone seen a Bolt in the wild in Portland yet?

No, but we are taking delivery of ours from Wentworth tomorrow or Friday (depending on lead-time to PDI it). Wentworth got a truck of 10 Bolts this afternoon - their first truck load.

I have not heard from them. Wondering if mine is there....
pdxbolt said:
Patronus said:
EldRick said:
Has anyone seen a Bolt in the wild in Portland yet?

No, but we are taking delivery of ours from Wentworth tomorrow or Friday (depending on lead-time to PDI it). Wentworth got a truck of 10 Bolts this afternoon - their first truck load.

I have not heard from them. Wondering if mine is there....

"My" Bolt disappeared from the website at Wilsonville today. Hoping that's a good sign, as I know they received a few on Tuesday. Salesman is saying those cars will not be through PDI until Friday at the earliest (I'm betting they have exactly one 3.3Kw EVSE in the place).
I emailed Wentworth yesterday. Crickets.
This morning I emailed Wilsonville.
I'm really disappointed in how the dealers act.
I understand that they do not have much control over what they get when,
but they have zero interest in staying connected with the customer, providing updates.

When I ordered mine in October (I was the first at Wentworth) they had no ETA.
In November, they had a VIN for the car ( I had to pull teeth to get that) , but did not provide a status.

Then they said they'd be "shocked" if it wasn't in by Christmas.
No further communication.
I emailed them again on Dec 20 and the next day got a snippet of a conversation they had with GM.
GM said they'd prioritize and get back to the dealer by the 28th.
I emailed the dealer and again got crickets.
I've had crickets since the 21st of December.

This is unacceptable customer service. I can't imagine bringing a car in for software updates or
service if this is how I get treated.

I wonder if anyone cares about this?

Fiat/Chrysler has a rep on the Fiat forum and they are very, very helpful.
And my owner experience with the e-fiat has been excellent.
Guess that's one more reason I would not give up the Fiat for anything.
Wentworth Chevy seems particularly bad with customer relations. I complained to the Chevy Corporate higher ups about their "policy" of only selling to local customers and was told that since all dealerships are independently owned and operated, they can do anything they want, including treating customers poorly, and nothing can be done, except perhaps posting here, and other places, that Wentworth doesn't care about customers when the vehicle you want from them is popular and easy to sell to the next guy. Agents there are not the kind I would do business with.
I am patiently (not! Lol!) waiting for my new Bolt to be delivered to Ron Tonkin Chevy this week, a good dealership and very cooperative with my needs, but not able to get the delivery expedited. It is bought and paid for, but I need to start a road trip next week, lots to see, and miles to cover in my new EV!!! Hope to go all the way to Mexico and return to Portland by March 1.
BarnacleBill said:
Wentworth Chevy seems particularly bad with customer relations. I complained to the Chevy Corporate higher ups about their "policy" of only selling to local customers and was told that since all dealerships are independently owned and operated, they can do anything they want, including treating customers poorly, and nothing can be done, except perhaps posting here, and other places, that Wentworth doesn't care about customers when the vehicle you want from them is popular and easy to sell to the next guy. Agents there are not the kind I would do business with.
I am patiently (not! Lol!) waiting for my new Bolt to be delivered to Ron Tonkin Chevy this week, a good dealership and very cooperative with my needs, but not able to get the delivery expedited. It is bought and paid for, but I need to start a road trip next week, lots to see, and miles to cover in my new EV!!! Hope to go all the way to Mexico and return to Portland by March 1.

Well, I'm super local. Resident of Portland, Multnomah county.
I was insulted and physically confronted by the sales manager at Wilsonville two seeks ago, when he demanded a $1000 non-refundable deposit for a Bolt, after I declined. I definitely won't consider going there again.
Some dealerships have a poor reputation and deservedly so. I worked with a small, local dealership and I think that is one reason why my experience was better. Though I often did not get quick responses to my calls and emails, I did get them eventually. When I sat with them to fill out my paperwork I got an idea why they aren't right on top of their calls and emails. The manager's phones (cell and desk) must have rung ten times in a half hour. When I remarked on this he swore it was a relatively slow day. I recommend gentle persistence and an occasional show up at the store, if it's local. Squeaky wheels get greased. It's like any other business in that respect.
Finally delivered 1/6/17. Ordered 10/1/16. Long wait. Well worth it.

Orange Premier, loaded with every option. Purchased for MSRP.
Congrats to those who have gotten their cars already, really liking the reviews so far!

I'm still waiting, and wondering how much of a pest I should be to the dealer. They've been responsive to my emails and even a few texts, so I can't complain really. I guess I just want the car and would like to know if I'll get it in a week or have to wait another month.
Boson said:
Congrats to those who have gotten their cars already, really liking the reviews so far!

I'm still waiting, and wondering how much of a pest I should be to the dealer. They've been responsive to my emails and even a few texts, so I can't complain really. I guess I just want the car and would like to know if I'll get it in a week or have to wait another month.

I'm in the same place as you. The sales guy at Wilsonville has consistently been cheerful and willing to answer my questions even if the answer is "no news" which has been standard as of late. As we in Portland are in the grip of the latest "snowpocalypse" this weekend it's not like I'm going to make a 25 mile trek to close the deal anyway. I have visions of picking the car up, and having it totaled on the way home by some idiot who doesn't realize the accelerator is anything but an on-off switch...
roundpeg said:
Anybody heard anything new about their orders?

Mine still shows manufacture during the last week of November. The dealer is unsure about delivery before the end of the year.

Got an email from Wentworth. My car is still in Michigan, waiting to be loaded on a train. Allegedly, I'll get an ETA once it is on the train. I believe that when I see it.
Just getting that non-information above took me writing a strongly worded email.
And of course, ETA in Portland is a far cry from being at the dealership or being ready to pick up.
Well, being patient paid off. I got a nice phone call earlier letting me know that my car is at the dealership now and going through the inspection and cleaning process. Hopefully picking it up tonight!
stevewa said:
Boson said:
Congrats to those who have gotten their cars already, really liking the reviews so far!

I'm still waiting, and wondering how much of a pest I should be to the dealer. They've been responsive to my emails and even a few texts, so I can't complain really. I guess I just want the car and would like to know if I'll get it in a week or have to wait another month.

I'm in the same place as you. The sales guy at Wilsonville has consistently been cheerful and willing to answer my questions even if the answer is "no news" which has been standard as of late. As we in Portland are in the grip of the latest "snowpocalypse" this weekend it's not like I'm going to make a 25 mile trek to close the deal anyway. I have visions of picking the car up, and having it totaled on the way home by some idiot who doesn't realize the accelerator is anything but an on-off switch...

Latest: Car is actually on a train in Nebraska. Given the weather who knows how long it will take to get across the country...
Interesting, all the Bolt EV listings on Wilsonville's website have vanished.

I know they had already received some cars, and that "mine" had the "In Transit" flag as of a couple days ago. With the snow and ice I hadn't checked since Wednesday or Thursday. Maybe my train has come in.
stevewa said:
Interesting, all the Bolt EV listings on Wilsonville's website have vanished.

I know they had already received some cars, and that "mine" had the "In Transit" flag as of a couple days ago. With the snow and ice I hadn't checked since Wednesday or Thursday. Maybe my train has come in.

We have been dealing with a few "glitches" on our webpage. The Bolts that are spoken for have been appearing on our site as if they are available. We did not want to lead potential customers astray or have them possibly make a trip in to the store to see inventory that is not available. After a couple failed attempts to keep them from appearing we finally had to delete the units from our inventory feed. We apologize for the confusion.

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