Everyone that frequents these boards should be looking for one to attend.

If you are new to EV's and looking for information, they are a great way to talk to owners about their experiences and learn the pros and cons of EV's (in general and often specific models). Many events offer test drives from dealers and/or ride and drives by owners.
If you have an EV, it's a great way to share your experiences with the "EV curious", show off your ride and chat with other owners. Most events are happy to just have you show up with your EV, but would also welcome someone that want to volunteer. Events range from a handful of owners to 1000+ vehicles attending.
I personally find it very rewarding to help people understand EV's. Car dealers are terrible places to learn about any vehicles, but it's worse for EV's. NDEW is a well advertised and supported channel to spread the word. Try it this year. You may find it as enjoyable as I do.
If you don't see one near you - start one!
I started my first year about a month before hand, and was able to get a few dozen EV's from owners as well as a handful of dealers to bring cars and do test drives. The second year (2015), our EV owners had over ONE MILLION collective miles logged.

PM me if you have specific questions, and if you are in the Portland, OR area, I can always use volunteers