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Hello, went to rotate my tires on my 17 Bolt Premier only to see that they had wheel lug locks. Imagine my surprise when I find no key for the nuts. Dealer says they were in package but no can find. Can I use serial # to order from dealer of better to let mechanic remove and use regular nut. Not much chance of theft here. thanks for replies.
I don't expect that anyone is out there thinking "I guess I'll steal some Bolt EV wheels today."
I vote for the standard lug nuts.
I just checked my wheels and I don't have any locking-type lug nuts. They all can come off without a lug nut key/socket.

Are yours a Chevy option, or did the dealer add them to the car's invoice?

In any event, you certainly want to get a new key/socket before you have a flat tire! I'd be firm with the dealer and let them know you never received the socket and I'd make them get me a new one.
Same thing happened to me, took the Bolt in for its first tire rotation and software upgrade and they couldn't find the lug nut key. (had to explain that I didn't need the engine oil change!) They ordered a kit to remove/replace the lug nuts that included a new key; the work order showed "key stripped" or somesuch so GM would pay them under warranty. Didn't think to request standard lug nuts as a replacement, as I have little worry about wheel theft.

They should look around the factory, betcha they'd find a stash of lug nut keys!