I wondered how much power my OEM charger would use when plugged in, but not connected or charging my car.
Using my Kill-A-Watt device, I plugged the charger in, but left it disconnected from the Bolt. It registered about 50 watts.
Charging aside (which draws up to 12A or 1,440 watts), if you leave the charger plugged in all the time, you will use about 438 kWHr of energy just to power the charger! That's enough to charge your Bolt over 7 times!
Assuming you charge for about 10 hours per day, ever day, it would only be 255 kWHrs or just over 4 full Bolt charges.
So, I recommend putting the charger on a switched outlet so you can shut it off when not charging.
Using my Kill-A-Watt device, I plugged the charger in, but left it disconnected from the Bolt. It registered about 50 watts.
Charging aside (which draws up to 12A or 1,440 watts), if you leave the charger plugged in all the time, you will use about 438 kWHr of energy just to power the charger! That's enough to charge your Bolt over 7 times!
Assuming you charge for about 10 hours per day, ever day, it would only be 255 kWHrs or just over 4 full Bolt charges.
So, I recommend putting the charger on a switched outlet so you can shut it off when not charging.