Heat On While Fast Charging?

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Sep 24, 2019
Hi all,

Is there a way to have the cabin heat run while fast charging?

I have a road trip coming up which is going to require a stop or two along the way to charge. Normally, I'd go sit inside at the rest area or whatever. But since I'll have the dog with me I'd like to be able to sit with him in a nice warm car.

Can the car DC charge while powered on while the heat runs? I realize that could nominally slow the charge rate if the total power into the vehicle is limited to, but I expect the charge rate to be less than the max ~55kW anyway due to the temperature, tapering, etc.

Once before I tried putting the car in the diagnostic power on mode (or whatever they call it), where you hold the power button without the brake applied for 10sec or something. But this didn't seem to allow the heat to actually come on.


I frequently arrive at a DC charger, press P, leave whatever HVAC is going, get out, set up charging, get in, read everything on the internet, or maybe press main button and go expel waste or get something to eat or drink, come back, turn main button on returning HVAC again and finish reading the internet.
Doing that at an L2, however, you really see that the heat is on and that charging would take considerably longer.
xflow7 said:
Is there a way to have the cabin heat run while fast charging?
Absolutely, just don't turn the car off. You can charge, start charging, or end charging with the car turned on. And you can turn the car on or off while charging. So just have the car turned on with the HVAC running while you're plugged in.
The question not asked, but it's also possible to leave the AC on while making a quick errand stop. I do it often in the summer; lock the car, walk away and am always gratified to return to a cool car and note the range estimate didn't even drop one mile.

jack vines
PackardV8 said:
The question not asked, but it's also possible to leave the AC on while making a quick errand stop. I do it often in the summer; lock the car, walk away and am always gratified to return to a cool car and note the range estimate didn't even drop one mile.

jack vines
And I often do the same to keep my iPhone charging.

Using the following apps concurrently drains faster than it is able to charge:

Uber Driver

Having a Mophie battery case has ameliorated the problem ($10 refurbished Amazon).
If one wishes (needs)more current than the USB ports in the car can provide, buy a 'cigarette lighter' <-> USB charger plug that supplies 3 (or more) amps. There are many to choose from. I have had this one in my cars for years (dual USB, 2.4A each, 4.8A total) :


SparkE said:
If one wishes (needs)more current than the USB ports in the car can provide, buy a 'cigarette lighter' <-> USB charger plug that supplies 3 (or more) amps. There are many to choose from. I have had this one in my cars for years (dual USB, 2.4A each, 4.8A total)
How many amps does do the in-board USB supply?

I previously considered your suggestion; but I must use the in-board USB port to a wired cable in order for Apple CarPlay to function, so I can use both the SiriusXM and Waze apps.

I was thinking about a “Y” cable to an external USB battery pack, when I came across the refurbished Moophie battery case for $10.
BoltEV said:
SparkE said:
If one wishes (needs)more current than the USB ports in the car can provide, buy a 'cigarette lighter' <-> USB charger plug that supplies 3 (or more) amps. There are many to choose from. I have had this one in my cars for years (dual USB, 2.4A each, 4.8A total)
How many amps does do the in-board USB supply?

I previously considered your suggestion; but I must use the in-board USB port to a wired cable in order for Apple CarPlay to function, so I can use both the SiriusXM and Waze apps.

I was thinking about a “Y” cable to an external USB battery pack, when I came across the refurbished Moophie battery case for $10.

If you need to use a USB port, then you need to use a USB port. (Although I suppose you could swap to the aux power plug when not actively using the apps - but it's probably a pain swapping. Maybe while eating, for 20 minutes?)

According to the Bolt's manual : "The maximum power that can be supplied by one accessory power outlet or spread across all three is 200 watts or 15 amps."
Before I purchased the Mophie, when taking a coffee/meal break, I would quit all apps and leave the car ON and locked to charge the battery.

Swapping is not a practical option.

You obviously do not utilize Apple or Android CarPlay.
BoltEV said:
Swapping is not a practical option.

You obviously do not utilize Apple or Android CarPlay.

I do not use either. (I just set the phone to tell me where to go and listen to it, and only look at the screen when parked, before setting out.)

So it is a pain to unplug the phone from one power source (USB cable), swap to the other for 20 mins, then swap back to the other USB cable?

It confuses the app(s)?
Yes, Waze will not appear on my large display wirelessly (with turn by turn directions on the iPhone screen). It requires a USB connection.
BoltEV said:
Yes, Waze will not appear on my large display wirelessly (with turn by turn directions on the iPhone screen). It requires a USB connection.

So I am confused (or we are simply not understanding each other). When I said "you could swap to the aux power plug when not actively using the apps", I was suggesting that when you aren't using the apps, you unplug the phone from the car's built-in USB port and plug the phone in to the higher-power connection. (That would re-charge the battery in the phone, as it provides 2.4A.) When you DO need the app(s) on the big screen, you just switch the phone back to the built-in USB.

That wouldn't work easily?
SparkE said:
BoltEV said:
Swapping is not a practical option.

You obviously do not utilize Apple or Android CarPlay.

I do not use either. (I just set the phone to tell me where to go and listen to it, and only look at the screen when parked, before setting out.)
Why would you NOT use CarPlay or Android Auto?

I'm an iOS guy an generally like CarPlay. I find it far superior to trying to use my phone only for navigation. I had 2 rental cars ('19 Altima and '18 Elantra) in the past few months while out of the state (in totally unfamiliar areas) which had CarPlay support. That was great.

I carry an Android phone (for work) as well, but I've never bothered Android Auto for various reasons.
cwerdna said:
Why would you NOT use CarPlay or Android Auto?

I guess because I am "old school" (and just plain 'old', I guess).

I know where I am going before I start the car - I look it up if I have never been there before (often on a computer, but hey). I generally only use navigation to find the freeway onramp when I am in an area I am not familiar with, and then I do the same : I look it up before starting the car (so I know where I am going) and then turn on audio nav (so that I don't miss a turn).

It works for me. (But then I don't drive for a living - I drive for pleasure, or to get to "pleasure spots".) And I hate taking my eyes off the road.
I also try to look up places and directions on my computer before going there. I can still enter the destination on my phone and use it to help guide me there.

I definitely don't like the annoyance of having nav running telling me where to go if I know the route.

Sometimes, I need to depart from an unfamiliar area. I'll have the nav app guide me long enough so that I'm on the highway way or street that I'm familiar with then I shut off guidance.

I do use Waze frequently so I do appreciate the heads up both on the display and audibly up police and road hazards ahead. It is definitely easier to see them on my Bolt's 10.2" LCD than the small screen of my iPhone 8. (My '13 Leaf has no CarPlay so I have to live w/the small screen of my phone for Waze when I drive that.)
SparkE said:
BoltEV said:
Yes, Waze will not appear on my large display wirelessly (with turn by turn directions on the iPhone screen). It requires a USB connection.

So I am confused (or we are simply not understanding each other). When I said "you could swap to the aux power plug when not actively using the apps", I was suggesting that when you aren't using the apps, you unplug the phone from the car's built-in USB port and plug the phone in to the higher-power connection. (That would re-charge the battery in the phone, as it provides 2.4A.) When you DO need the app(s) on the big screen, you just switch the phone back to the built-in USB.

That wouldn't work easily?
Explain to me what I am not understanding that you are:

You want me, in the midst of everything else I have to pay attention to while driving Uber, switch the power source to my iPhone every 20 minutes. It seems to you like it should work easily?

Three switches every hour;

24 switches every day;

144 switches every week!

What exactly am I not understanding?

And as I recall, you were a vocal critic on this forum of those who wanted to pay for the convenience of having built-in Navigator software on our display screen; in addition to Navigation supplied by Apple/Android CarPlay!

Seems to me that build-in Navigation works easily; but I digress...

You miss the main point that I said earlier:

The Mophie iPhone Battery Case has a pass-thru USB connection and provides all the extra amperage that I need to run Uber, SiriusXM and Waze concurrently!

So the issue is really moot.
No, I wasn't suggesting that you do anything 3 or 4 times an hour. I never said that. I was simply suggesting that a higher-amp charger might be useful (for example, to more quickly charge when you aren't actively using the apps). If that doesn't work for you, then that doesn't work for you.

For everybody else, if you need a faster-charging USB connector, there are 3rd-party "cigarette lighter" units that can give you a much faster charge in a short amount of time. So if you are sitting around for 30 mins, you might be able to add a significant % of charge to your mobile phone. The one I referenced a bit above in this thread is only one of many different options. AND such units have the benefit of being portable between multiple vehicles (just like google maps on a cell phone) - the benefit is portable, rather than tied to a single vehicle. (Disadvantage : such plugs don't offer a USB data connection to the vehicle - they are just for charging)
SparkE said:
... I was simply suggesting that a higher-amp charger might be useful (for example, to more quickly charge when you aren't actively using the apps). If that doesn't work for you, then that doesn't work for you.

For everybody else... (Disadvantage : such plugs don't offer a USB data connection to the vehicle - they are just for charging)
Thank you for this tip and I will keep it in mind for situations that do not involve Apple CarPlay, or other USB data connections.

The practical result is that ALL Bolt EV drivers relying on their iPhone or Android CarPlay for Navigation software (which as you know was NOT provided by Chevy as an option, unlike the Chevy Volt) CANNOT rely on your tip for both higher amps charging for amp hungry apps such as Waze AND USB data for CarPlay Navigation.
BoltEV said:
SparkE said:
... I was simply suggesting that a higher-amp charger might be useful (for example, to more quickly charge when you aren't actively using the apps). If that doesn't work for you, then that doesn't work for you.

For everybody else... (Disadvantage : such plugs don't offer a USB data connection to the vehicle - they are just for charging)
Thank you for this tip and I will keep it in mind for situations that do not involve Apple CarPlay, or other USB data connections.

The practical result is that ALL Bolt EV drivers relying on their iPhone or Android CarPlay for Navigation software (which as you know was NOT provided by Chevy as an option, unlike the Chevy Volt) CANNOT rely on your tip for both higher amps charging for amp hungry apps such as Waze AND USB data for CarPlay Navigation.

Yup. They can be useful for charging (?more than?) twice as quickly while you are off eating lunch, or connected to DCFC, or ...

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