MichaelLAX said:
MichaelLAX said:
Are you saying that you do not charge every night?
My current planned use of the Bolt is to just drive it as long and far as I can on a single charge down to around 10-20% (or about 25-50 miles remaining range), which (if I can get 238-250 miles on a charge) require about 9-10 hours on the L2 charger to get it back to full charge overnight.
Since I'm now only planning to drive the Bolt locally where I live-- usually only 10-15 miles/day, 5 days a week , there's really no need to recharge it every night and I can easily drive it down to just 25 miles remaining miles w/o worrying about the battery going dead.
At this rate, I'd only have to put it on the charger once every 3-4 weeks, which will minimize the need to recharge and also probably reduce (or at least minimize) my charging costs.
If I'm really under-utilizing the car by driving too few miles, I may run up some miles w/freeway trips just to get my $'s worth out of the car w/in the 10k annual mileage limit. That'll burn up a lot more energy and my range estimate will get shot to hell but w/the L2 charger it doesn't matter as much.
MichaelLAX said:
I still want to come up there and follow you in your BMW on your path to SF and back and see if I can make it round trip in my Bolt EV!
I'm not willing to risk it myself but I'd be interested in seeing what your range figures in the Bolt would be if you pace me into the City at freeway speeds.
I'm sure you could make it there but don't think you could make it back w/o getting at least an additional 50 miles of range after spending 30 mins on a DCFC or 2 hours on an L2 charger.
That's the reason I'm choosing NOT to use the Bolt for that. Don't want to take the time to top off when I can just drive one of my other cars into and back w/o the need to even stop at a gas station. It's a matter of time and convenience to me.
In fact, I just drove my F250 diesel into the City today. The only problem was finding a parking space for the 22 ft truck, which I did w/o too much difficulty. Just gotta know where to look.