Elevation Effect

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LeftieBiker said:
The Bolt has strong Regen in L, but you tell me it doesn't matter if D or L is used on the highway, because coasting is best.

No, I said precisely "Flat uninterrupted highway travel doesn't matter if you use D or L modes, since braking will never occur. " Nowhere did I mention coasting.

Then you say that L isn't good for stop and go driving. You say coasting is best. Great. How do you "coast" in L?

Don't you own the Bolt? You coast by feathering the throttle so it is neither powering the motor, or regenerating from it. Either that or use N.

How do you 'maintain the average speed of traffic' in bumper to bumper stop and go congestion?

I think I explained it very clearly, but I'll try again. You maintain the average speed by allowing a gap to form when traffic is racing ahead, and closing that gap when it is slowing down. There is no law saying you have to drive like a sheep, with your bumper within a certain number of feet with the bumper ahead. Driving that way will get you to your destination only seconds quicker, and is much less efficient than driving the average speed, regardless of what you drive or what mode it is in.

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