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Chevy Bolt EV Forum

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I found that after shifting into D, shifting into L didn't require pressing the button on the LH side of the shifter. Then I figured out that I could easily shift from D to L to D and back and forth by just pulling the shifter back each time switching modes is desired.
Posted elsewhere also.

When you exit carPlay to look at something else on the screen, pressing and holding the home key takes you back to carPlay.
gpsman said:
Posted elsewhere also.

When you exit carPlay to look at something else on the screen, pressing and holding the home key takes you back to carPlay.

THANK YOU! This is exactly the trick I wanted to know. Getting back to CarPlay by digging through menus is dangerous; it requires me to take my eyes off the road for far too long.
I figured out that you can tap in the plastic glove box piston ring back on after replacing the cabin air filter by using a deep socket size 10 mm with a gentle tap of a rubber mallet.

The Deep socket will squeeze together the glove box Connection Point without putting pressure on the piston ring that slips over it.