Cool little article on 10 neat Bolt features (from the engineers)

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2016

Sorry if somebody else posted this. Ten things I hadn't read before.

I call BS on the "we're really clever by using a resistance heater". That's actually crude engineering. Great marketing though - take a crappy bit of engineering for cheap and boast about it. AKA, "alternative fact". The Kia Soul EV has a more elegant solution - a heat pump. But that's a trivial slam - the article still has ten cool factoids.
This one isn't a 'neat factoid', it's "what the FLUCK were they thinking publishing this !!

How to prank your neighbor’s Bolt EV

There’s a giant circuit breaker located at the high point of the battery pack, accessible by pulling the rear seat cushion and lifting a flap in the sound-deadening stuff near the middle of the car. Yank it, and all the high-voltage electrons are stopped dead in their 288 cells.
ScooterCT said:

Sorry if somebody else posted this. Ten things I hadn't read before.

I call BS on the "we're really clever by using a resistance heater". That's actually crude engineering. Great marketing though - take a crappy bit of engineering for cheap and boast about it.
Well to be fair they were talking about the battery heater, not the cabin heater.

Interesting that the rear camera gets squirted with washer fluid automatically when you shift into reverse with the wipers running.

Also interesting to note that the on-board charger is stated as being able to handle 60KW of power. But it'll take fast chargers with a higher capacity than we've seen in most places to see if that's really true.
SparkE said:
This one isn't a 'neat factoid', it's "what the FLUCK were they thinking publishing this !!

How to prank your neighbor’s Bolt EV

There’s a giant circuit breaker located at the high point of the battery pack, accessible by pulling the rear seat cushion and lifting a flap in the sound-deadening stuff near the middle of the car. Yank it, and all the high-voltage electrons are stopped dead in their 288 cells.

So that is what is under the back seat...

But if you want to do such a prank, you need to get inside the car, which would mean that you have the key or your neighbor left the car unlocked. This is no different conceptually from shenanigans that one can do to anyone's car if it is unlocked.
>> Well to be fair they were talking about the battery heater, not the cabin heater.

Missed that. I thought they were talking about a giant hair dryer for the cabin. That's better.

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