buzzing, humming, fan blowing while charging???

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May 16, 2019
Hi All,

About 330 this afternoon, I plugged into my home's level 2 EVSE, walked away without a care in the world (which I have done many times).

About 90 degrees (30 C.)

About 8pm, I went outside and the car was hum/buzzing and it sounded like a fan was running under the hood.

The green light was solid.

I unplugged it and the sounds stopped.

30 minutes later I turned it on and it is fully charged; no unusual sounds.

I plug it back in; no immediate sounds, but 10 minutes later, I go back and the same sounds again, which again stop when I unplug it.

Is this unusual?

Hi Nils,

It sounds like your Bolt's battery management system is activating the liquid cooling function. Mine has done this in hot weather as well at the end of a level 2 charge. At the end of each regular charge cycle when the green indicator light stays solid there is a 'battery conditioning' which takes place.

My charging station continues to deliver power to the car during this period (it's light continues to blink green) even as the light under the car's windshield shows solid green. I wouldn't recommend interrupting this process whether the battery cooling system is activated or not.

It usually takes no more than a few minutes until my charging stations light goes solid green and stops feeding the car electricity .. then I unplug it.

Yep on the above. may help. is what it sounds like. And, as I posted at
When that's going on, not only are the hoses for the coolant tank on the passenger side near the radiator cold, if you put your hands on one of the AC pipes, it's very cold to the touch. The other thinner metal tube next to it is hot. This is all the while w/tons of hot air being blown into the "engine" compartment.
Try opening the hood when that's going on for confirmation.