Bolts in Fl several months early

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Well-known member
Jan 14, 2016
Just a heads up for anyone in the Southeast wanting a Bolt now: Maher Chevrolet in St Petersburg, Fl got 7 Bolts shipped to them from a CA dealer. They arrived 3-17 and as of today all were available for sale.
This seems like another conformation that Bolts are not selling very well in California.

It will be interesting to see if this speeds up the tentative release schedule for the Bolt.
I'm not so sure that it confirms anything. The dealer said they had to make a special effort to get them shipped to FL - they wanted the distinction of being the first dealer in the state to have them.

But I've never honestly thought they would be a big seller - just like I don't think Tesla Model 3 will sell anywhere near the number anticipated - watch much of that big 400,00 preorder list EV list evaporate when it comes time to actually sign the purchase contract.
Thanks for the tip. I live in Atlanta, GA, and while this town has an enormous Leaf community, we are last on the Bolt list. Florida is closer than Virginia, (where there are currently the closest Bolts) and I hope to see more transfers out of California.
elpwr said:
The dealer said they had to make a special effort to get them shipped to FL - they wanted the distinction of being the first dealer in the state to have them.

Dealers say a lot of things.

What is a 'special effort'? Is GM really going to give this 'distinction' to one dealer, and irritate the other 103 Chevy dealers in the state? Possibly, but I sure wouldn't trust a dealer's word on that.
elpwr said:
I'm not so sure that it confirms anything. The dealer said they had to make a special effort to get them shipped to FL - they wanted the distinction of being the first dealer in the state to have them.

But I've never honestly thought they would be a big seller - just like I don't think Tesla Model 3 will sell anywhere near the number anticipated - watch much of that big 400,00 preorder list EV list evaporate when it comes time to actually sign the purchase contract.

Well we have seen Washington, Colorado and now Florida getting Bolts from California. So why would California dealers ship out of state if they can sell them at MSRP in California? The number of cars being transferred are not big, but still why not sell them at MSRP in California?
CA dealers sure aren't selling them at MSRP. There are some pretty good discounts to be had on them in CA.

The how and why Maher got them really doesn't matter much to me. They only got seven. 5 LT's and 2 Premiers - none the colors and configuration I would want. A few more months wait is fine by me. But at least I got a chance to spend a little time with one in person.
VideoSteve said:
Thanks for the tip. I live in Atlanta, GA, and while this town has an enormous Leaf community, we are last on the Bolt list. Florida is closer than Virginia, (where there are currently the closest Bolts) and I hope to see more transfers out of California.

Jim Ellis has 15 Bolts coming in this month they said. All spoken for via reservation last year.

They had called me last Summer about putting $1000 down to reserve a Bolt, but I didn't really think that they'd get them in any earlier than any other Georgia dealership so I passed.

I asked a saleperson how they got them early and she said that they were allocated to them.
I then asked her if I could test drive one when they arrived and she said no, that it wouldn't be fair to those that reserved them. I agree, but thought maybe they'd have somebody back out and I could test drive that one. She said that she'd call me if that happened.

Oh well.
VideoSteve said:
Thanks for the tip. I live in Atlanta, GA, and while this town has an enormous Leaf community, we are last on the Bolt list. Florida is closer than Virginia, (where there are currently the closest Bolts) and I hope to see more transfers out of California.

Jim Ellis did get in one Silver Bolt Premier for demo purposes. I posted a thread about it.
Their dealership says now though, that their 15-car "allocation" that was for reservation holders putting $1000 down, will not arrive until possibly the end of the year!!!
That's a big change from the anticipated March or April arrival date.
"possibly the end of the year" Yikes. Why not just wait for the 2018?

Thanks Mailman13 for the update. We were out looking at Audi's for the other half on Saturday night, and drove into Jim Ellis Chevy to see if anything was going on, and we stumbled onto this Ellis California import.

I did go to the Atlanta Auto show this weekend, and was able to test drive a Premiere, finally. I must say it was pretty fantastic. Really handled well, and great 0-60. The test drive was designed to go thru an unused side street, so you could test the pick-up.

Yes, the seats were not as wide as my Leaf, and the Chevy person told me this car is one that travels to auto shows for demos, therefore, it's seen a lot of butts. Consequently, or not, the sides of the seat did not dig into my thighs, nor did I feel like I was sitting on a funnel. I'm 5'11" and 155 lbs, so I am just under average weight, I think.

I did sit in a LT on the lot in Palm Springs, and I definitely felt like I was atop a funnel (wide end up; lol) The next day at a different dealership, in a Premiere, the seat felt pretty normal. The Premiere inside the Atlanta auto show also felt the same to me. So out of 4, 1 was no good. Maybe this was a seat vendor issue that's been resolved.
I just found this thread on a search. Interesting to see the efforts made, it
sure would have been easier if I had found this thread for mine.

I simply found an ad from Maher Chevrolet showing inventory numbers for
Chevy Bolts. Emailed them & couldn't believe that they had some in stock!

I leased mine on 4/11 and have been a happy camper ever since...... :D
Several Bolts have also shown up at this North Palm Beach, Florida Chevrolet dealer:
And here in Plant City, Fl:
Mailman13 said:
I then asked her if I could test drive one when they arrived and she said no, that it wouldn't be fair to those that reserved them. I agree, but thought maybe they'd have somebody back out and I could test drive that one. She said that she'd call me if that happened.
You should probably follow up with her in a couple days if you do not hear from her. Our dealer in OC (CA) had all 40 "reserved" but some did the test drive and backed out. Probably the narrow seats. I love my Bolt. My wife does not. I fit nicely into the the front seats. She does not. If you can get past the seats, everything else about the Bolt is great.

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