Anyone reserving a Model 3?

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Mar 31, 2016
Is anyone reserving a Model 3 today?

I am contemplating it, although I hear there was a line of 300 at the local Tesla store this morning so I'm not sure it is worth it?
Personally I'm going to wait this round out. I was among the first in line for the 1st gen EVs, and got my Leaf in early 2012. I'll wait to buy a 2nd gen until there are at least 2 (preferably 3) different models that I can sit in and test drive first. Most likely I'll be comparing a Bolt to a Model III to a Leaf 2.0.
Possibly. I'd much rather give my money to Tesla than GM. I suspect the base Model 3 will be similar to the Bolt EV, but all the gee-whiz features, that I'll also want, will make it cost $20k more.

Who knows, for 30 years I avoided GM products and now I'm driving one. I'll keep an open mind.
The high number of pre-orders scared me off.... since I'm not a current Tesla owner, and I'm last in line now I figured why part with any money when I'll probably only be able to get it a month or two sooner than waiting, test driving one, and buying one on the spot at a Tesla showroom sometime in 2018
I put down my $1000 yesterday afternoon in-store. Probably somewhere in the 80000 reservations ahead of me. Given production will likely be 100,000 cars in the first year, that will be late 2018 for me. If you haven't put down by now, with >150000 reservations in the first 24 hours, it's well into 2019 for procrastinators, maybe 2020 if the reservations keep coming. Waiting only makes your odds at getting a Tesla even worse, and with cheap credit, $1000 on my HELOC is only going to cost me $50 in interest over two years.
SmartElectric said:
Waiting only makes your odds at getting a Tesla even worse

Do you believe that Tesla isn't going to survive long term? Because if they do, eventually one will be able to walk into a store and buy one without a reservation. They are aiming for 500,000 cars/year by 2020 after all. So really waiting only makes it so that you have to wait longer to get your Tesla. Hmm, no surprise there.

If Tesla goes belly up under the weight of Model III production before filling all reservations, then I wouldn't want to own one of those orphaned cars anyway. Combine the lack of OEM support with the lower than average reliability for Teslas, and I would much rather be driving a Bolt.
Those 250,000 and growing reservations are not from people that are worrying about Tesla reliability. They are excited for what Tesla stands for and is focused on producing (more sustainable transportation). GM does not represent that.

You can compare specs all day long, but the technical details are not what got people to wait in line all day. If you don't understand those motivations, then you might not be considering enough information to assess Tesla's long term viability.
My point was that waiting to put in a reservation delays getting a Model 3, as right now 250000 reservations are in, and that will likely mean the last on the queue of reservations is looking at delivery well into 2019, if reservations hit one million (a distinct possibility), then forget "walking up and buying one" until well past 2020. I personally predicted 100,000 reservations in the first 24 hours over a year ago, and was happy to be wrong!

I already own a Tesla S, so have 100% faith in the company and technology. After almost 80000 km on our car, it is one amazingly powerful and smooth ride, and charges to 96% of original range, over 410 km "rated". Tesla is a brilliant company with a significant lead on it's competition!
SmartElectric said:
My point was that waiting to put in a reservation delays getting a Model 3, as right now 250000 reservations are in, and that will likely mean the last on the queue of reservations is looking at delivery well into 2019, if reservations hit one million (a distinct possibility), then forget "walking up and buying one" until well past 2020. I personally predicted 100,000 reservations in the first 24 hours over a year ago, and was happy to be wrong!

I already own a Tesla S, so have 100% faith in the company and technology. After almost 80000 km on our car, it is one amazingly powerful and smooth ride, and charges to 96% of original range, over 410 km "rated". Tesla is a brilliant company with a significant lead on it's competition!

Your forum name confused us into thinking you weren't yet a Tesla owner - then you're reservation would likely be higher than 80,000 since current owners get priority in the queue.

Yep, I procrastinated and now it's not worth it to me to throw my money into the hat. I have a problem spending money on a vehicle I haven't seen in person or ridden in. I may be in the minority, but I'll test drive a Bolt EV before I buy it too...
picasso said:
I have a problem spending money on a vehicle I haven't seen in person or ridden in. I may be in the minority, but I'll test drive a Bolt EV before I buy it too...

Me too. Even the Leaf, which was the first BEV available to me, I waited until I could test drive before I bought it. And at that time, I was only driving a demo, and had to put down a reservation.

Frankly, I like to test drive at least 2 or 3 different cars before deciding on one. I expect that to be the Bolt, Model III, and Leaf 2.0. Right now it's utility (Bolt) versus sporty package (Model III) versus the wild car (Leaf).
GetOffYourGas said:
I like to test drive at least 2 or 3 different cars before deciding on one

I did that when I bought my first EV, a Smart ED, tested Volt, Leaf and Smart. Unfortunately for me, as soon as I test drove the Smart in early 2013 I knew I had to have it and put down my $1000 deposit on the spot. I say unfortunately, because it was a 9 month wait to get the car, as I needed to get in line behind the hundreds of other people who had put in their pre-order, and they did so before they had even test drove it!

I won't make that mistake again, it was excruciating waiting those long months for my Smart ED, and once I got it, my entire family was hooked on driving electric and we then ended up buying a Tesla S last year.

I couldn't imagine driving a gas car ever again...
I haven't put down a reservation for the Model 3 - I'll take a chance and see when they actually are launched, and when the Model 3 becomes available. In the meantime I will seriously look at leasing (or maybe buying if there are no good lease options) a Bolt EV. By the time I get to the Model 3 I will likely be looking at upgrading or changing vehicles anyways.
i'm still in the research stage of all EV's so no I will not reserve :lol: