Anyone notice? --no sunroof

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2016
I haven't seen a picture of a Bolt with a sunroof. If, in fact, a sunroof isn't an option, it might be to save headroom, weight, or cost (or all 3).

As a tall guy, I applaud this decision!
Sunroofs also let in more road noise, the weight raises the center of gravity of the car (bad for handling), and they can break.
I thought of one more...a sunroof reduces the chassis structural rigidity, also bad for handling.
Plus in summer, in locations like California would it let more radiant heat in causing more air conditioning load on the battery pack? I guess maybe not if there was one of those panels to block light.
If they went with the full glass roof though, that wouldn't have a pull-panel likely :)
My Smart ED has a clear roof panel that is wonderful for summer. In winter, it's still nice to have for the morning commute, but evenings it's so dark it doesn't matter. It would absolutely make me consider a Bolt to have the non-opening glass/plexi roof like my Smart.
They should offer an optional sunroof, and on the Volt as well. It's just one of those things people want for whatever reason (I don't have one on any of my current vehicles and don't miss it).
SmartElectric said:
My Smart ED has a clear roof panel that is wonderful for summer. In winter, it's still nice to have for the morning commute, but evenings it's so dark it doesn't matter. It would absolutely make me consider a Bolt to have the non-opening glass/plexi roof like my Smart.

Does it make the Smart hard to keep cool during the summer with all that sunshine beaming in? On a sunny day in the winter I could see it helping with heat the interior, unless it lets more heat out because it isn't insulated as well as a steel/headlined roof?
gmvoltguy said:
Does it make the Smart hard to keep cool during the summer with all that sunshine beaming in? On a sunny day in the winter I could see it helping with heat the interior, unless it lets more heat out because it isn't insulated as well as a steel/headlined roof?

The Smart ED is so small inside, that the air conditioner cools the cabin down very quickly.

I chose the red/black interior where the seat back is red fabric, so doesn't heat up as quick as a darker color would.

There is no insulation effect, it's solid plexiglass, but is tinted to keep some amount of light out, and the rest of the car is very thin panels, so not insulated much at all. This means the car is very light and fun to throw around on the road.

However, the lack of insulation is noticeable on very very cold days (-24C was the coldest we had last winter, and that was without wind chill!) where I run the cabin heater full blast for my entire commute, and range drops to less than 80 km.

The upside is a really light and airy cabin, and wonderful on summer days.
I'm coming up on the end of a 3 year lease on a Fiat 500e with a power sunroof. It has a black mesh, as opposed to solid, panel to deflect radiant heat off the glass roof panel. Upon delivery I had the panel coated with what is known as "Limo Black" window tinting to reduce heat collection. I might add that I live in Los Angeles and have had the car out in 100+ degree heat as recently as last week and with the air working there was no noticeable heat coming into the car radiantly and the mesh did not heat up at all. I might also add that I've always had a sunroof to take advantage of our Southern California weather and would be disappointed if Chevrolet does not offer one in the Bolt which I am keenly interested in inasmuch as the Fiat, which has been a real kick to drive, does not intend to increase either the battery size or offer a range extender for 2017. I might also note that way back in the early 60's I had the original Fiat 500 so this car is an electric update of dela vu.
Over a decade ago I had a Hyundai Elantra that had a sun roof when I lived in SoCal and I rarely used it because it was either too hot thus reducing the effectiveness of the A/C or I was on the freeway where it was sort of annoying to use. I do have a sunroof in my Mazda5 and I actually use it quite a bit now, especially since the A/C conked out and I'm unwilling to spend $1200 to fix it with a Bolt in my future. Aside from that, I find I enjoy having the sunroof open during our relatively mild summer days here in Vancouver. Additionally, we have no freeways in the city and speed limits are a max of 50km/h so no obnoxious noises. If a sunroof were available in the Bolt I would probably get it, although I wouldn't if I still lived in SoCal full time.
I love sunroofs, and my next car will certainly have one. That said, high quality aftermarket sunroofs can be had for a few hundred dollars. The lack of an OEM option is anything but a deal killer.
No sunroof maybe because the Chevy bolt is trying to provide a good dose of affordability to the average driver and the electric automobile Eco section of purchasers
Devin wrote: Over a decade ago I had a Hyundai Elantra that had a sun roof when I lived in SoCal////////// Never found a vehicle with sunroof that was ever in my budget.... till the 2016 Elantra Value Edition auto tranny with LOTS of options, including the sunroof. Some wheeler dealers got the Elantra for less than $15,000. Unfortunately, I'd previously bought 2 Elantras within the last 3 years...... no sunroof......& the wife said, "no third Elantra!"

That's the dilemma with the Bolt, too. Want one...... but we already have 3 Hyundais, one being an Accent. The Chevy dealer would never give the value, both my wife & I believe are in the Hyundais.
The Chevy Volt not having a sunroof is actually okay by me as living in the west coast and dealing with the rain I always am worried about the sunroof leaking
I think that sunroof should have been an option a list for the premium Bolt, specially considering range savings by not turning on the AC, I'm considering the aftermarket option, I had one installed on a pick up truck and it was awesome.

Any thoughts on window tinting??
I don't think a sunroof makes a lot sense for me in Western Washington. I just see as another source of problems.

If a sunroof reduces the structural integrity of the vehicle, then that's another reason not to have one in the vehicle.
We were told by local dealer GM wanted to minimize number of motors and therefore vehicle weight. Hence no sun/moonroof, and no power seats.

That said, we'd like to fit a simple manual tilt-up (only) aftermarket sunroof - any suggestions?

Would it compromise GM warranty? Dealer doesn't "think" it would, but we should get that in writing..........
marshallinwa said:
I don't think a sunroof makes a lot sense for me in Western Washington. I just see as another source of problems.

More likely to leak than to have actual sunshine coming through it. (Also in Western Washington)

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