Hello to the group. I'm a six month Bolt owner, got mine last October. Previously I'd leased a Volt for three years. I learned the value of "L" for one-petal driving. I'm technically inclined, and approach the while thing as a science project.
I'd been getting full charge range indications of 280-300 mile for a while, and then had a drop off. GM told me they had an error from my vehicle and they scheduled a battery replacement.
I don't know what the replacement was, but now I've been getting a rising range indication topping out today at:
343 Miles. MAX 404 Min 281. The MyChevrolet app said 343 before I unplugged it. Pic/screenshot attached.
* attachments not allowed here, or by me I suppose.... will not upload
I drive in suburban LA. Daily uphill with under 3 mi/kWhr on the way up, and back to 5+ mi/kWhr. on the way down. That plus freeway driving where I have to go 60 or more to keep up with traffic. So this isnt just around the block stuff.
I use cruise whenever I can over 24MPH, and try to never touch the brakes.... Coast to a stop and look ahead.
Is anyone else getting this kind of indication?