Well-known member
NeilBlanchard said:Oilerlord - VW and Hyundai have done it right!
If you get a chance to drive a VW e-Golf (or an Hyundai Ioniq) to see what coasting by default is like - take it!
BTW, and in case you were still wondering, I agree with you. I have driven a VW e-Golf, and absolutely positively prefer it's setup vs 1-pedal driving. I wish my car worked like that too. Clearly, I think a lot of us would like a menu option to set up our EVs to drive that way. Since they don't, I'm ok with the hypermiling inefficiencies of 1-pedal driving vs fiddling with the PRNDL switch or regen paddles.
I think the bigger question is why it's even necessary to hypermile a 238 mile EV that, on a national average, costs less than 8 bucks in electricity to "fill up". Drive more, worry less.