I looked it up. I was about to say the main difference is water content, but someone beat me to it.
Compressed air will vary, but undried air can have up to 10,000 ppm (parts per million) water vapor.
Nitrogen is most commonly distilled from air.
Nitrogen purchased in high pressure cylinders will commonly have 1 to 5 ppm water vapor.
For the extremist, Argon cylinders typically have 1 ppb (1 part per billion) water vapor.
I also looked up the price of bottled nitrogen.
Back of the napkin guesstimate is one of the large cylinders will fill about 100 car tires (@35 psi). Retail price if I wanted one cylinder is $70.
Places like Costco who buy in bulk may get it at half that price. So my assertion that NASCAR, Airlines, and Costco use nitrogen PRIMARILY for convenience holds water. It’s cheap. Not cheaper than plain-old compressed air, but maybe on par with DRIED compressed air, and why bother buying the extra equipment, to dry the air, if there is an easier, electricity free, portable system with no moving parts?