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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2016
I'm curious, and you folks who actually own Bolts are the authorities. I'm wondering if any of you have actually had an experience where somebody who's seen your car (neighbor, family, whatever) has actually gone out and purchased a Bolt after seeing or hearing you talk about yours.

Please no tales about people who said something like "I'm getting one of those!". That's talking the talk, not walking the walk. Do you have a personal acquaintance who actually walked down to the dealer and bought one after encountering yours? I know it's just one month, but has anyone out there sold a Bolt for GM? If even a few owners on this forum come back and say "my neighbor loved it and bought one yesterday", then I'll be seriously impressed. That would mean the Bolt is actually doing sales conquests "in the wild", as opposed to only among early adopter EV fans.

Oh, and I'm doing my part. Even though I've decided to personally pass on the Bolt, I have a EV believer friend who oddly hadn't heard about it. We're driving to MA soon so he can test drive one (and I get a joy ride). Maybe I'll sell a Bolt :)
How about we lower the bar waaaaay down low. Has anybody even had somebody say "I'm going to buy one of those"? Forget actually doing the act. How about a non-binding statement of intent...
ScooterCT said:
How about we lower the bar waaaaay down low. Has anybody even had somebody say "I'm going to buy one of those"? Forget actually doing the act. How about a non-binding statement of intent...

I can't even clear that bar. I have had three people express serious interest, and one or two of them may well become buyers.

But most people just seem to think I'm crazy, or at least foolish, to have bought an electric car.