Forward Camera View- would be nice

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The Bolt doesn't allow you access the forward or overhead camera view when you're trying to park until you shift into reverse or park. But it's nice to be able to creep forward or decide if you need to realign your car. Is there a place to make suggestions to the engineers?
Have you tried hitting the Home button and then the Camera button? I seem to recall this works and I will try it again when I am next in the car. At some point, of course, it turns off the camera when driving forward for safety.
MichaelLAX said:
Have you tried hitting the Home button and then the Camera button? I seem to recall this works and I will try it again when I am next in the car. At some point, of course, it turns off the camera when driving forward for safety.

It's actually a three-step process, depending on which display screen you are starting from:

1. Hit 'Home' button
2. Hit 'Icon View' button
3. Hit 'Camera' button

So, you don't have to shift to R first, but it may actually be faster to do it that way in some situations. A quick, or even automatic, Camera display capability would be better.
Yeah there is something else funny going on here. When I pulled into the parking garage this morning my normal spot was taken and I had to go up a level - by the time I got to a spot I went to turn on the camera and it was "greyed" out. I think there is a time element in play here. Normally when I get to my spot in the morning I can hit the camera going into the spot and it's available - today it wasn't.
Maxters said:
You do need to be less than 5MPH for the front camera icon to not be greyed out.

I was stopped when trying to switch to the camera view. I know it does work - I have used it (pulling into my garage and parking space in the mornings), but this time I had to put the car into reverse to get the camera icon to be enabled.
If I need the front camera active I just shift into reverse then right back to drive. Forward camera every time, until over 5mph