Colorado assignable income tax credit.

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user 667

Well-known member
Jan 14, 2017
Colorado has a $5,000 EV income tax credit that is supposed to be assignable to the finance company but I've talked to a few dealers and they don't know know of any financial institutions that will accept liability of tax credit. Has anyone had any success in finding a financial institution willing to accept the liability for the Colorado EV tax credit?
BoltWanabee said:
Colorado has a $5,000 EV income tax credit that is supposed to be assignable to the finance company but I've talked to a few dealers and they don't know know of any financial institutions that will accept liability of tax credit. Has anyone had any success in finding a financial institution willing to accept the liability for the Colorado EV tax credit?
I would try contacting the Northern Colorado EAA chapter. They are quite active and can likely amswer that question: