Any one have any idea approximately home many kwh are used in a 24 hour period to keep the 2017 Bolt battery
at peak condition. I'm in South Jersey and winter garage temps are about 40 degrees so I know there will be some kw used.
Also electric rates here are about the same as using a gas powered car and Chevy's estimate of 28kwh/100 miles does seem on the
conservative side. Any one that can supply their kwh/100 would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
at peak condition. I'm in South Jersey and winter garage temps are about 40 degrees so I know there will be some kw used.
Also electric rates here are about the same as using a gas powered car and Chevy's estimate of 28kwh/100 miles does seem on the
conservative side. Any one that can supply their kwh/100 would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.