Are you getting an EV related personal license plate for your Bolt?

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gpsman said:
CA lets you place your order (with full payment) without specifiying any vehicle.

They say they will send you up to 3 postcard reminders in the mail when your plate is ready. ( you specifify which office you want to pick it up at )

You have 30 days to pick up your plates AFTER the final reminder is sent. If a no show, the plate will be destroyed and the configuration will be put back into circulation.

I read into that as you will have "about" 90 days to sit on it after it is produced. This is in addition to the 8-12 weeks required to produce it. I ordered one last week. I have no doubt my Bolt will get here first.


Right, that's what I did. The rules are a little deceptive since it says on the first page that the car must be registered. I suppose that applies to the car on which the plates will be ultimately used based on evidence you supply when you pick them up. That was about as clear as Sacramento River mud.

Thanks for the extra detail. I've been driving in California for over 40 years but I've never owned a personalized plate before so I had no idea how the process works.
I think it's a big moneymaker for them and they make the process pretty easy.

The first time I got one, you had to go to the DMV office and look through a list of "taken" ones, then submit a written request with first, second, and third choices. Obviously much better now.
In theory the fees for these plates go into the California Environmental License Plate Fund to support specific programs. In practice maybe not so much.
Nope, I've got average license plate. Though I have got green custom plate frame with accents that resemble leaves. Because I had a regular plate frame before, but someone stole it off my bumper at night. So had to grab another bracket (, as the previous was ruined, and a new plate as well. :mrgreen:
michael said:
Anyone else getting an EV related personal plate?? Share it here because if you have a clever one people in other states may still be able to get it

I wanted CHEV-E but it was taken. So I went for E CHEVY

I also thought about 238 MILE and 60 KWH but they seemed geared toward EV fans only

I'm going to get FIREBOLT if I can....a play on Harry Potter
roundpeg said:
michael said:
Yes, it's no problem

You buy the plate online without even specifying a car, just the person who will own it. When it arrives, you can assign it to a car, or you can pay a retention fee and use it later.

If the license arrives before the car, I'd just assign it to whatever car you have and re-assign it later on. I suggest if you like one, grab it now. Then it's yours and you can tell us...other states may still have the same one available. No need to be secretive.

The CA DMV online ordering system says "the vehicle must be currently registered." How do you get around that provision without temporarily assigning the plate to another car you already own?

if you have another car, you can connect the plate to the one, pay a fee, then swap it to your EV, pay another fee, or pay another yearly fee of 38 bucks to HOLD the unused-plate....
flamaest said:
if you have another car, you can connect the plate to the one, pay a fee, then swap it to your EV, pay another fee, or pay another yearly fee of 38 bucks to HOLD the unused-plate....

You don't have to do that unless you aren't going to have the new car for a few months after you order the plates. Ordering the plates from the DMV does not require a VIN. It takes them about six weeks to make up the plates, after which they send them to the DMV office of your choice. You are then notified by mail to pick them up. I believe you have a couple more weeks to make that happen, at which time you have to supply them with the VIN of a car you own or lease.
I saw a plate today that gave me an idea for an EV plate. It was a Jeep with huge tires trying to look like a monster truck. The plate read "9 MPG". For the Bolt: "119 MPG"? "128 MPG"?
I've had RECHRGE since I had a 2012 Volt. They are currently on my Malibu waiting to order a Bolt EV in Columbus Ohio.
bro19991 said:
Nope, but I will add this frame at least!

Don't tell me you got that with a purchase - when I bought my JuiceBox I sure didn't get a license plate frame :(
theflew said:
I've had RECHRGE since I had a 2012 Volt. They are currently on my Malibu waiting to order a Bolt EV in Columbus Ohio.

That could be confusing for some who aren't in the 'EV' scene :)

What's the timeline for the Bolt in Ohio? Or are you considering buying in CA and shipping it?
I've been contemplating the personalized plate. Nearly certain I'm going to do it.

Likely going to use the company name, though, as we'll be fitting out the car with our tech.