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  1. S

    Chevy Bolt 2017, blind spot, esp, tire pressure issue

    how much was the cost ? were the new TPMS from DiscountTires ?
  2. S

    Chevy Bolt 2017, blind spot, esp, tire pressure issue

    The tire pressure sensor in each tire has a battery with about 5 years life. If one goes dead and an attempt to reset the reading, they all will disappear. They can be replaced by tire company, a set of four on Amazon is about $26. Check the health of the 12v battery, all kind of "funny"...
  3. S

    How does ChargePoint work, and any idea as to why this happened?

    Haven't been using Chargepoint much lately, but my understanding is that Chargepoint company sells, installs the hardware and operates the transactions. It is the local business/outfit where the stations are installed that establish the pricing.
  4. S

    New NACS to CCS1 Adapter

    my immediate family has 2 NACS-CCS adaptors, a Lectron and an UpUpEV (; both worked quite well on 3x different Bolts. We like the UpUp adaptor better as it is smaller and comes with a nice storage pouch. We use the TeslaApp exclusively, gave up on the Chevy app long time...
  5. S

    EVGo announces a new partnership with GM for 5 year tripling of stations

    My sister in LA was charging Evgo exclusively, but now prefers Tesla as it is cheaper (time of day dependent)
  6. S

    Coolant flush

    yes if all the coolant is drained and replaced, there are 3-coolant loops. The reason for coolant replacement is due to the degradation of coolant's viscosity and lubrication property. My plan is to "dilute" the old coolant with new coolant, by siphoning out the old coolant from the 3x...
  7. S

    Coolant flush

    yes, it's usually not "hard"; for me it's the hurdle to get started. The coolant system also needs to be burped off air bubble as well.
  8. S

    Coolant flush

    has any tried one of those drive-thru oil/coolant change joint ?
  9. S

    Fast Charging Frustrations with My Bolt EV

    another option, albeit can be a painful trade-off, is to slow down to extend the range. It's also important to consider weather and altitude change. Tesla's in-vehicle is quite good, hopefully Chevy software will eventually improves.
  10. S

    Latest buzz surrounding the Chevy Bolt EV

    what's the motivation to upgrade ? better tech ? in principal, existing Bolt can so easily "upgrade" with software updates. The hardware is already mostly there. For example, really wish that our 2017 Bolts have stop-charge setting; a simple software mod to the 93% hill-top algorithm.
  11. S

    My Flawless (almost) 2017 Bolt

    given the many fobs we have now, fortunately all using the CR2032, rechargeable lithium are available now on amazon. We've been using these for a few years, very happy with them.
  12. S

    Using EVExtend on the Bolt EV for emergency 120V up to 1,500 watts

    The US standard plug is 120vac between (Neutral & Hot) and (Ground & Hot). Ground bonding check is 0v between Neutral & Ground, and 0-very low resistance between Neutral & Ground. A "bonding plug" is essentially a short between Neutral & Ground, though some has a 100-ohm resistor.
  13. S

    Using EVExtend on the Bolt EV for emergency 120V up to 1,500 watts

    In the US, the Neutral line is grounded/bonded in the main electrical box. Stand alone generator usually has an option to make this bond by the user. Just check continuity with a multi-meter between Neutral & Ground pins. For example, the stock EVSE "charger" checks for this ground, and will...
  14. S

    Using EVExtend on the Bolt EV for emergency 120V up to 1,500 watts

    may be the ignitor needs ground connection ? is the EV-extender inverter grounded ?
  15. S

    What can I do?

    we have been using the 2017 mod'ed charger on 240v over 6 yrs now, 3kw charge rate is quite adequate, plus no need to up size existing wire gauge.