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  1. G

    New Bolt Owner

    That's what I'm afraid of & the dealer really doesn't have a tech. that know ev's so he will spend hours trying to find the problem, & who has to pay 100 bucks a hour? !
  2. G

    New Bolt Owner

    It was wired properly, the red light does not come on anymore, it's in the garage but it won't charge to over 60 miles & it says charging complete!
  3. G

    New Bolt Owner

    I just had it installed a week ago, it worked ok then it didn't start doing this untill after I got the " Limited propulsion warning"
  4. G

    New Bolt Owner

    No it only shows up on level 2 it's not the little red security light either
  5. G

    New Bolt Owner

    Thanks Voodo, I know that, but since I got the " Limited propulsion" when I try & charge with level 2 the light on top of dash turns steady red!
  6. G

    New Bolt Owner

    Spar e Can I charge with level 2 the same way?
  7. G

    New Bolt Owner

    I bought a 2020 used in September & so far really like it, but a few days ago drove to a neighboring town it was was 0 degrees when I left home battery fully charged it was about a 35 mile drive, parked the car outside at 5 degrees, when got in the car for my drive home after letting the car sit...
  8. G

    salt fanatics

    Ok Bob, thought it was you sorry!
  9. G

    salt fanatics

    Thanks Chuck you answered my question!
  10. G

    salt fanatics

    Bob I don't care about a Subaru! I'm only interested in a Chevy Bolt!
  11. G

    salt fanatics

    So Bob have you used a automatic car wash with under body wash? I want to be sure I can use the under body wash with out causing problems, I figured it would be ok, other wise we couldn't drive in heavy rain!
  12. G

    salt fanatics

    I don't know about that, but I just bought a 2020 bolt, I live in Minnesota & we have lots of salt on our roads, but I was wonder if I can use "under body wash" at the car wash?
  13. G

    25 mph Cruise Control

    Tech man your reply makes no sense
  14. G

    Fast Charging Frustrations with My Bolt EV

    Actually Grobyc, if you had just put 10 gallons of gas in your Caddy it would have cost you over 27 $ which is way more than $8.70!
  15. G

    My grandpa's experience with EVs

    I'm 82 & just got a 2020 Bolt back in September, my wife & her kids thought I was crazy for buying it! Why can't the younger folks see EV is the future? Wife didn't want it, now she can't wait to jump in we also have a 18 Equinox she hardly ever drives now, I can't believe everyone in California...