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    • G
      garlock replied to the thread New Bolt Owner.
      That's what I'm afraid of & the dealer really doesn't have a tech. that know ev's so he will spend hours trying to find the problem, &...
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      garlock replied to the thread New Bolt Owner.
      It was wired properly, the red light does not come on anymore, it's in the garage but it won't charge to over 60 miles & it says...
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      garlock replied to the thread New Bolt Owner.
      I just had it installed a week ago, it worked ok then it didn't start doing this untill after I got the " Limited propulsion warning"
    • G
      garlock replied to the thread New Bolt Owner.
      No it only shows up on level 2 it's not the little red security light either
    • G
      garlock replied to the thread New Bolt Owner.
      Thanks Voodo, I know that, but since I got the " Limited propulsion" when I try & charge with level 2 the light on top of dash turns...
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      garlock replied to the thread New Bolt Owner.
      Spar e Can I charge with level 2 the same way?
    • G
      garlock replied to the thread New Bolt Owner.
      I bought a 2020 used in September & so far really like it, but a few days ago drove to a neighboring town it was was 0 degrees when I...
    • G
      garlock replied to the thread salt fanatics.
      Ok Bob, thought it was you sorry!
    • G
      garlock replied to the thread salt fanatics.
      Thanks Chuck you answered my question!
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      garlock reacted to chuck3565's post in the thread salt fanatics with Like Like.
      I use an undercarriage car wash in Southern Minnesota in winter and summer. It hasn't caused any issues.
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      garlock replied to the thread salt fanatics.
      Bob I don't care about a Subaru! I'm only interested in a Chevy Bolt!
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      garlock replied to the thread salt fanatics.
      So Bob have you used a automatic car wash with under body wash? I want to be sure I can use the under body wash with out causing...
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      garlock replied to the thread salt fanatics.
      I don't know about that, but I just bought a 2020 bolt, I live in Minnesota & we have lots of salt on our roads, but I was wonder if I...
    • G
      garlock replied to the thread 25 mph Cruise Control.
      Tech man your reply makes no sense
    • G
      Actually Grobyc, if you had just put 10 gallons of gas in your Caddy it would have cost you over 27 $ which is way more than $8.70!
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