Where to put transponder?

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New member
May 8, 2017
Where do you put the transponder? The two recommended locations on the windshield do not apply, since a large area behind the rear-view mirror is occupied by that black panel. It could go to either side of the panel, or lower down on the windshield, which would extend the obstructed area of the windshield. We are in an EZ-Pass state that just went toll-booth free, which means if the reader can't see my transponder, I'll get charged extra.
Put it next to the mirror mount on the pass side. You might want to change the title of this thread too :idea:
We don't stick the transponder on the windshield. Instead, we keep in the slot near the bottom of the center console (probably designed for a charging phone). It's easy to get to and slip in and out. Even when driving solo, it's easy to hold out the transponder while going through the booth.

Another alternative is to clip it to the visor. Just make sure to flip the visor down when needed.