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Building on the questions here, I wonder about the order the Infotainment system plays files. I used iTunes to rip an audio book from CD to MP3 files, and put them on a USB stick. However, the Bolt displays and plays the files in random order (not alphanumerical). That was an issue with my former car. Back then, I looked around the internet for the solution, I learned that Windows files have a legacy from DOS days, in that they have long and short file names. I used a program called Drivesort to sort the files on my USB stick. However, I sorted the files and the Bolt still uses the old file order.

Does anyone have any experience or thoughts with the order of files?

I wonder if there's an issue with the Bolt re-sampling the USB stick. I've tried re-booting the entertainment center (hold home + fast forward while turning the car on). That doesn't seem to make a difference.
