Oil leak from front axle

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Jun 29, 2017
Yesterday I watched the YouTube videos Weber University created about removing and disassembling the Bolt battery - well done and very interesting. It gave me a new appreciation for how thoroughly GM has thought out and designed the system - and of course, how well LG has designed the batter pack. One side thing I noticed was that the professor doing the video noticed a slight oil leak coming from somewhere in the front axle assemble. And the same thing was identified by an owner in this forum a while ago. Two instances don't make a defect, but any slight oil leak would not typically by noticed an owner because the oil would be caught within the protective cover under that area. I just wonder if any other owner would have removed that cover and then noticed any leak.
If your yellow oil light is coming on, then you probably have a bad oil level sensor.

Ck your OFHG.

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