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Let's review the REAL facts:

I criticized the OP for driving his Bolt EV too fast (75+ MPH) in a situation that would require a more reasonable "speed limit" approach to get him to his destination with only the Victorville charge.  Too many people think that EV's should drive like Ferrari's or even Tesla's, which they can, but not for 220+ miles on a single charge!

You came back at me with your "over the top" sarcasm:

Your FIRST error was describing his trip as 270 miles; but had you read the OP BEFORE your initial sarcastic reply, you would have realized that the OP DID stop in Victorville, which is only 185 miles from Las Vegas!

Your SUCCEEDING error was to make your "off the wall" comments about driving "45 mph while everyone else honks and flips you the bird at 75-80 mph.    Those idiots driving the speed limit on the I-15 are so stupid."  No one, certainly not I, claimed that the OP had to drive 45 MPH!  Who's stupid now?!?

The remaining criticism by the OP over the Victorville charge is with EVGo with their 30 minute timer cut-off at almost every one of their stations!  He could have easily initiated another charge, but he chose to save $5 and drive on to Primm. 

The fact of the matter is that an 87% charge on a Bolt EV (200 miles) will EASILY get him to Las Vegas in the right lane in "L" mode with cruise control set to the flow of traffic; usually 55-60MPH, given the truck traffic in that lane and their state mandated 55 MPH speed limit.  Again, it was the OP's desire to drive 75+ MPH, far in excess of the speed limit in an EV that is the cause of the problem.

Hypotheticals about the availability of the Victorville charger are just red herrings you brought up on this round! 

The OP had obtained a 87% charge on his Victorville DCFC!  If the OP is worried about its availability for future drives, that is his right, but not the issue I was discussing in my post!

The OP made newbie errors and by our discussions in this thread, the next Bolt EV driver from LA to Las Vegas need not make the same errors, oilerlord's sarcasm, notwithstanding!
