My BOLT EV never charges to 238. why?

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I just purchased BOLT EV. The Day I purchased I saw 228 miles as the full charge however since then I've not seen my BOLT charging to any closer than this. Now it charges up to 185 only.. Do I have a faulty Bolt EV?
Pls help.
Your indicated mileage is ALWAYS 59.5 kwh times miles per kwh.

If your driving style, route, conditions, always equals 4 miles per kwh, you will always get 238 miles of range on the meter after a full charge.

If your driving routine gets 3 miles per kwh, you will always see 179 miles on a full charge.

From your statement, I can tell you are getting 3.1 miles per kwh.

3.1 miles per kwh tells me either:
You use some heat and/or air conditioning, or,
You accelerate faster than average, or,
You drive faster than 65 mph, or

Some mixture of all three.