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Chevy Bolt EV Forum

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Don't be naive

Here's from their web site

1Prices do not include additional fees and costs of closing, including government fees and taxes, any finance charges, any dealer documentation fees, any emissions testing fees or other fees. All prices, specifications and availability subject to qualifications and may change without notice. All discounts are after manufacturers discounts and do not include dealer installed options. See Dealer for details. Must purchase by 11/30/17. OFFER INCLUDES DISCOUNT BELOW MSRP AND CASH ALLOWANCE. NOT AVAILABLE WITH SPECIAL FINANCING,LEASE OR OTHER OFFERS. MUST FINANCE WITH GM FINANCIAL. INCLUDES CALIF CLEAN AIR REBATE.

22017 BOLT EV LT STOCK #172284 MSRP $ 38,705 36MO /10K $169 PER MO $19995 DUE AT SIGNING/ PLS TX AND LIC MUST HAVE

Do you see that?  $19995 DUE AT SIGNING!  It's a total non-offer.     It's just a bait and switch to get you in to talk about the real offer .
