I must whine about no NAV in the Bolt ...

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Oh, one thing that shocks me to this day:

The Bolt EV is missing an internal NAV!

Say what you want about Android or Apple Carplay, and the cost to install an internal Nav, but the Volt has one!
MichaelLAX said:
Oh, one thing that shocks me to this day:

The Bolt EV is missing an internal NAV!

Say what you want about Android or Apple Carplay, and the cost to install an internal Nav, but the Volt has one!

This is something that still bothers me too. There are lots of places I drive that have no cell service. These are the places in which I most want to have a GPS. Also, I have a low data plan. I would not appreciate the extra data costs for every time I want to use nav.
GetOffYourGas said:
...There are lots of places I drive that have no cell service. These are the places in which I most want to have a GPS. Also, I have a low data plan. I would not appreciate the extra data costs for every time I want to use nav.

Just be sure you download the maps from an unlimited data source and it won't use much data at all. It will be especially helpful when you are out of service ranges. I personally have an unlimited plan so it doesn't bother me but I support many that don't.

For me though, I hate iOS and Android so I bought a $50 android phone that is running off the hotspot from my normal phone. The maps are downloaded and I pretty much only use data for netcasts and traffic updates. Android Auto is good enough for now.
gbobman said:
For me though, I hate iOS and Android so I bought a $50 android phone that is running off the hotspot from my normal phone. The maps are downloaded and I pretty much only use data for netcasts and traffic updates. Android Auto is good enough for now.
What a pissy workaround that the Volt does NOT make you go through for LESS money; all for the want of a little chip!!!
MichaelLAX said:
What a pissy workaround that the Volt does NOT make you go through for LESS money; all for the want of a little chip!!!

Speaking of "pissy"...

I'd have chosen this method anyway. There is no case where I prefer a manufacturer's system over a constantly updated alternative.
gbobman said:
MichaelLAX said:
What a pissy workaround that the Volt does NOT make you go through for LESS money; all for the want of a little chip!!!

I'd have chosen this method anyway...
But then you, like the rest of us, would have a CHOICE!!
MichaelLAX said:
What a pissy workaround that the Volt does NOT make you go through for LESS money; all for the want of a little chip!!!
When you buy an integrated nav system, it's not the chip you're paying for. It's the rights to use the mapping data.
SeanNelson said:
MichaelLAX said:
What a pissy workaround that the Volt does NOT make you go through for LESS money; all for the want of a little chip!!!
When you buy an integrated nav system, it's not the chip you're paying for. It's the rights to use the mapping data.
Yes, such as the one in the Volt which is cheaper than the Bolt EV!
SparkE said:
MichaelLAX said:
gbobman said:
I'd have chosen this method anyway...
But then you, like the rest of us, would have a CHOICE!!
GM should just offer it as a $500 option.
I leased a "fully loaded" Premium. I specifically told my dealer I wanted EVERY option and was willing to pay for it...

Mary Barra, CEO of GM, boasted about the internal NAV at the January 2016 CES show which was widely covered in the media!

Maybe GM should just live up to its word?!
Most people don't want a built-in, crappy nav system. Those that do want it will pay for it ("I want it all and I am willing to pay for it!!").

Those that would rather not have it shouldn't have to pay for it.
MichaelLAX said:
I leased a "fully loaded" Premium. I specifically told my dealer I wanted EVERY option and was willing to pay for it...

Mary Barra, CEO of GM, boasted about the internal NAV at the January 2016 CES show which was widely covered in the media!

Maybe GM should just live up to its word?!

SparkE said:
Most people don't want a built-in, crappy nav system. Those that do want it will pay for it ("I want it all and I am willing to pay for it!!").

Those that would rather not have it shouldn't have to pay for it.

Two ways of saying the SAME THING (if you leave out the "crappy")!

So why does GM offer an internal NAV in its Volt for LESS money? DUH!

I guess Volt buyers have to pay MORE to leave out the internal NAV! Kind of like when they charged us more per gallon to take the lead OUT of gasoline for catalytic converters! hahahaha
MichaelLAX said:
So why does GM offer an internal NAV in its Volt for LESS money? DUH!

Because the Volt doesn't have 60 kWh of battery, which is very expensive. DUH!

You can get a 2017 Nissan Sentra with internal NAV for less than a Volt! DUH!
SparkE said:
MichaelLAX said:
So why does GM offer an internal NAV in its Volt for LESS money? DUH!

Because the Volt doesn't have 60 kWh of battery, which is very expensive. DUH!

You can get a 2017 Nissan Sentra with internal NAV for less than a Volt! DUH!
Your first statement makes no sense.

This one somehow manages to make LESS sense!
The argument is that Volt costs less than the Bolt because it has a much smaller battery ( <1/3 the size), which makes up a huge percentage of the cars' costs. Why doesn't that make sense? Makes a lot more sense than looking at the $200 built-in nav system (which in all likelihood costs GM <$100 per car)
GetOffYourGas said:
The argument is that Volt costs less than the Bolt because it has a much smaller battery ( <1/3 the size), which makes up a huge percentage of the cars' costs. Why doesn't that make sense? Makes a lot more sense than looking at the $200 built-in nav system (which in all likelihood costs GM <$100 per car)
Here is how the OP started this thread:

michael said:
... All in all, the Bolt felt a little cheap compared to the Volt.

Talk me down guys...I'm actually leaning toward getting another Volt now in place of the Bolt I've been wanting for years. Anyone else have same or different reactions???/
I am pointing out to the OP that Mary Barra, the CEO of GM promised us an internal Nav in the Bolt EV, even better than the one in the Volt:

A map-based nav system is important not just for general traveling, but to find destination chargers, and an EV-focused version was promised at the Bolt’s January reveal at CES in Las Vegas by GM CEO Mary Barra.

“Another way we are looking to save everyone’s time is by offering navigation with EV-specific routing. With EV Navigation mapping, Bolt EV gives options — like routes that maximize your range or provide access to charging stations,” said Barra. “Bolt EV also offers an advanced range predictor, which accurately estimates driving range based on topography… temperature… and driving habits.”

When asked if the 2017 model year would get this feature, Chevrolet Communications rep Fred Ligouri confirmed it would, while remaining vague on the particulars.

“Yes, we will meet the commitment made by our CEO, and those are details we’ll delve into closer to launch,” said Ligouri.

SparkE has a well known prejudice against internal Navigation systems that he has expressed on this forum ("crappy"). In spite of his assumed neutrality as a moderator, he continues to browbeat this prejudice when it comes to this issue!

SparkE claims:
Those that do want it will pay for it ("I want it all and I am willing to pay for it!!")
knowing full well that no matter how much you spend on a Bolt EV you cannot get an internal Nav! Hence he makes NO SENSE!

Bringing up a 2017 Nissan Sentra is irrelevant, a waste of our time and makes even less sense...

So, it has NOTHING to do with the fact that the Bolt EV has a much larger battery than the Volt!

I went to the dealer spending top dollar for a "fully loaded" Premium model Bolt EV expecting the internal Nav that was promised to me by Mary Barra. The OP should be made aware of this fact when he asks about the Bolt EV vs. the Volt, since the Volt has an internal Navigation system!

I should not have to continue to endure harsh bullying by the moderator of this forum for making this simple fact clear to the OP!
SparkE said:
Because the Volt doesn't have 60 kWh of battery, which is very expensive. DUH!

You can get a 2017 Nissan Sentra with internal NAV for less than a Volt! DUH!

NOTE: You say the internal Nav costs $200; others have said it costs $2,000! No matter what it costs, a promise is a promise!
MichaelLAX said:
I went to the dealer spending top dollar for a "fully loaded" Premium model Bolt EV expecting the internal Nav that was promised to me by Mary Barra. The OP should be made aware of this fact when he asks about the Bolt EV vs. the Volt, since the Volt has an internal Navigation system!

I should not have to continue to endure harsh bullying by the moderator of this forum for making this simple fact clear to the OP!

If you've read a few of the OP's threads & posts, you'll find he's quite knowledgeable about the Bolt (and EV's in general). You've made repeated posts about how important an internal NAV is to you, but I'm guessing that the lack of the NAV system is way down the list of the OP's concerns. I think he gets it.

As for Mary Barra making a "promise", all she was doing at CES was reading talking points about the car as provided by her communications staff. Pre-producton cars (like the one at CES) and the ones that arrive at dealerships aren't always identical. At the time that Mary Barra gave her keynote, it's likely that the internal NAV was planned to be included, but soon after it was scrapped as a cost saving measure.

I understand you're disappointed, but it's time to just accept it, and move on.
oilerlord said:
If you've read a few of the OP's threads & posts, you'll find he's quite knowledgeable about the Bolt (and EV's in general). You've made repeated posts about how important an internal NAV is to you, but I'm guessing that the lack of the NAV system is way down the list of the OP's concerns. I think he gets it.

It is not my job to read the OP's mind and/or research his prior posts. He asked about the Volt vs. the Bolt EV and the lack of an internal NAV in the Bolt EV is clearly a main distinguishing point between the two cars.

Furthermore, I don't know how you can possibly read his mind and "guess" that "the lack of the NAV system is way down the list of" his concerns; but whether you have that ability or not, it is still relevant to the thread!

As for Mary Barra making a "promise", all she was doing at CES was reading talking points about the car as provided by her communications staff. Pre-producton cars (like the one at CES) and the ones that arrive at dealerships aren't always identical. At the time that Mary Barra gave her keynote, it's likely that the internal NAV was planned to be included, but soon after it was scrapped as a cost saving measure.

I understand you're disappointed, but it's time to just accept it, and move on.
You obviously don't understand the concept of "bait and switch!"

Once GM puts it out there that they plan to include a substantial feature such as an internal NAV, the burden is on GM to inform the public that it is NO LONGER INCLUDED! No such effort was made and on the contrary there is distinct evidence, including a comment I overheard by my Chevy salesman when he did not realize I was in the room, that GM just hoped the problem would go away (somewhat akin to your attitude...)

This way of "doing business" was somewhat akin to what happened when I read the paperwork on January 3rd when I took possession of my Bolt EV and discovered to my shock that the GM Financial lease included a $395 lease return fee (which had never been disclosed to me ever from the day I put down a $500 deposit back in July and all of my subsequent conversations with my dealer!) This fee was non-existent in my Ally Bank Volt lease in 2013, as my dealer was well aware, but nowhere in their term sheet to me was any mention of this substantial change!

To make a long story short, rather than just be "disappointed, accept it and move on" this fee was the subject of substantial negotiations by me and the dealer's representatives, whom at one point threatened to sell the car to another person. We "settled" this dispute by including this lease return fee, but they reduced the $2,100 down payment to $1,900 (all the other payments remained the same); a settlement to my satisfaction!

I make the supposition that NAV isn't a concern for the OP because he's already posted in the "No NAV" and other threads, and clearly understands it isn't present in the Bolt.

Since you feel the need to vent, perhaps start another No NAV thread in the "Ask GM" area (if you already haven't done so). I'm not trying to minimize your concern, but if we're being honest...with each other, this is more about you being wronged than it is about helping the OP.
oilerlord said:

I make the supposition that NAV isn't a concern for the OP because he's already posted in the "No NAV" and other threads, and clearly understands it isn't present in the Bolt.

Since you feel the need to vent, perhaps start another No NAV thread in the "Ask GM" area (if you already haven't done so). I'm not trying to minimize your concern, but if we're being honest...with each other, this is more about you being wronged than it is about helping the OP.
I think this is about you having the last word, so have at it!