Yeah, well, many dealers are lying scumbags.
One should always start by seeing what is available (prices, discount) on the internet, find the best deals within 200 miles, print them out, and then take them to the dealer you would prefer to deal with. If they can't match, or get close, walk. (Go buy elsewhere.) It is also a great tactic to avoid all the upsells : "I don't have to put up with this crap if I buy from XYZ - I have a telephone deal waiting for me there. So do you want my money or not? Should I just leave? I have this money I want to spend TODAY, do you not want my money?".
Since I started using techniques like that, my car purchases have gone much more smoothly and quickly. When I helped my daughter buy a car, we picked it out and left for lunch ("what you don't want our money? We'll be back after lunch - if the paperwork is ready we'll buy it, otherwise we'll go to XYZ. See you in an hour."). After lunch, we spent about 30 minutes signing papers and drove the car away.
So ...
First, find the best deal you can via internet/email.
Then, use it to pressure the local dealership.