GPS location about helf a mile off

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When using Navigation with Android Auto my location is lately about a half mile off - plus the car goes into "GPS Search Mode" frequently (a new phenomenon) - any suggestions on how to solve this issue?
The issue is in the phone, not the car. The GPS for the Bolt is solely used by the "home charger" and OnStar functions with the car.
>> The GPS for the Bolt is solely used by the "home charger" and OnStar functions with the car.

Is there actually a GPS receiver in the Bolt? I assumed they were just using cell-tower triangulation for On-Star. I'm not saying, I'm asking. Is there a physical GPS receiver in the Bolt?
ScooterCT said:
>> The GPS for the Bolt is solely used by the "home charger" and OnStar functions with the car.

Is there actually a GPS receiver in the Bolt? I assumed they were just using cell-tower triangulation for On-Star. I'm not saying, I'm asking. Is there a physical GPS receiver in the Bolt? under "LOCATION-BASED CHARGING"
GPS signals can be affected by buildings, trees and other factors, as well as you phone and it's GPS quality and location in the car.

Updated GPS satellites are scheduled to be launched

I see the reference you're pointing to. I was hoping to see a parts manual reference. Is there an online Bolt parts manual? That would be a cool thing to look at!

Has anybody identified the GPS antennae? They're typically pretty obvious.