And there is the rub; a continuation of this unfair condemnation of someone who clearly does not have the opportunity to defend himself.
I have spoken to him on another forum and reviewed his posts on this board.
It seems he was guilty of being too vociferous in his rebuttal of some claims about long-term battery capacity decline and other issues that were posted primarily by non-Bolt EV users who had no experience with the Bolt.
His point was that he was being singled out for his aggressive style and used YOU as an example of another member of this forum who has a similar style and yet is not singled out; especially since you are a moderator.
His primary example was your erroneous and aggressive factual attack on his rebuttal about the history of how NRG paid its $100 million towards electric car chargers and his rebuttal with the true facts.
Not content to let him state the facts, you apparently deleted his last post discerning the difference between a "fine" and a "settlement" and then the discussions all went to private messages between him and you and the other moderators.
Looks like the punishment on this board for defending yourself against a moderator in private is a permanent ban.
If there are 3 days of antics that we are missing here, please point them out to us; I certainly can't find them.