EV charging indicated on California freeway signs

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Well-known member
Jul 12, 2017
Campbell, CA
Here's some great news for California EV drivers!
A new bill (AB 1633) will add electric vehicle charging station icons to freeway service signs - in addition to the icons for food, gas, and lodging.

Here's a bit more on the Frazier Bill - source is the East County Today website: http://bit.ly/2fUwgX6
That's why MA lead the nation with Romneycare first before the rest of us got Obamacare!
No offense, but the sign is pretty useless unless you know the charger type. FastCharge to a Leaf is different for a Bolt, which is different for a Tesla.
dan2112 said:
No offense, but the sign is pretty useless unless you know the charger type. FastCharge to a Leaf is different for a Bolt, which is different for a Tesla.
You mean like the need for a bill to provide how the signs will be designated?

Once again, California leads the way! :D
Yeah, the sign is generic, but it's a dual plug type QC, and if the Tesla has the adapter, any EV can use it.

I'm not knocking CA, I wouldn't have an EV if it wasn't for CARB. I'm just surprised legislation is needed. Not that it really matters either way, most of us use Plugshare and know about new stations before any signage goes up.
I remember back in the 70s, when one of the auto industry criticisms of air bags was the high cost to the automobile owner to replace it after its use!

Sometimes you just have to pass a bill!
You can see the bill here: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1633

This bill would add to the list of specific roadside businesses eligible for an information sign under these provisions a business offering electric vehicle charging facilities.

As bills go, this is about as simple as it gets, just adds a category to the existing law.