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Chevy Bolt EV Forum

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  1. C

    2023 Bolt EUV poor mileage

    I disagree. This is my third winter and I never had such low mileage so this is not normal.
  2. C

    2023 Bolt EUV poor mileage

    This is my 3rd winter with my 2023 Bolt EUV and it will not charge above 170 range. The first winter it held around the 240 mark, the 2nd winter it charged to around 212, and now 3rd winter it is charging to around 170. WTH?? I can barely make it to work and back now. Why is this happening...
  3. C

    2023 Bolt EUV Battery

    This is my 3rd winter with my 2023 Bolt EUV and it will not charge above 170 range. The first winter it held around the 240 mark, the 2nd winter it charged to around 212, and now 3rd winter it is charging to around 170. WTH?? I can barely make it to work and back now. Why is this happening?