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Chevy Bolt EV Forum

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  1. S

    Have you sold a Bolt yet?

    How about we lower the bar waaaaay down low. Has anybody even had somebody say "I'm going to buy one of those"? Forget actually doing the act. How about a non-binding statement of intent...
  2. S

    Have you sold a Bolt yet?

    I'm curious, and you folks who actually own Bolts are the authorities. I'm wondering if any of you have actually had an experience where somebody who's seen your car (neighbor, family, whatever) has actually gone out and purchased a Bolt after seeing or hearing you talk about yours. Please no...
  3. S

    Do you think I'll be able to tow a small boat with the Bolt? Suggest all the towing geniuses on this thread read the NHSTA towing guide at the link above. Notice the part that says "Check the owner’s manual and review the manufacturer’s guide to see if the vehicle you plan to buy can tow a...
  4. S

    Is GM committed to manufacturing the Bolt in the Trump Era

    Not just GM, but every single manufacturer on the planet has a public or secret EV program. Disrupt or be disrupted. The changeover is inevitable. It's just a question of which decade sees the great leap forward. Is GM committed to manufacturing the Bolt (platform)? You bet, because it's an...
  5. S

    Do you think I'll be able to tow a small boat with the Bolt?

    Page 246 of Bolt owner's manual: "The vehicle is neither designed nor intended to tow a trailer." For those of you out there who just don't care about the above, or who think it's just legalese that you can safely ignore (hey, you might be right - maybe the Bolt is an outstanding tow vehicle)...
  6. S

    No navigation?

    I want self contained navigation. I don't even have a cell phone, which I consider an electronic slave master. I know it's a slave master, because I see people walking around all the time carefully charging and caressing their slave masters. They're so obsessed with tweeting that they're...
  7. S

    Do you think I'll be able to tow a small boat with the Bolt?

    The Bolt was built in two years, or about five years faster than normal. They probably grabbed a fuse box from the corporate parts bin. Remember, vehicles from a maker share parts all the time. And the Bolt is built on a shared platform. Tow away dude. You're obviously far more brilliant than...
  8. S

    What are the Trailer Interface Module fuses for?

    Clueless guess here. GM and every other automaker pulls parts out of a bin for reuse. This is standard procedure for cost savings. Maybe they just grabbed an existing fuse box from inventory. Remember, this car was cobbled together in two years. Normal development cycle is 4-7 years. By the...
  9. S

    Bolt Safety

    Lots of the stuff said above is just invalid. Not slamming anybody - but some of the statements above would fail engineering 101 and physics 100 final exams. If you really want safety for your family, buy the longest, largest, heaviest, best engineered vehicle you can find. Physics 100 will...
  10. S

    Ms. Barra's '18 Bolt to-do list

    >> I would prefer the Bolt for its sportier handling I'm a gas guzzler Soul+ owner here, and it totally isn't a sporty handler. It's a solid family car type of suspension setup. In order to get all the usable space in back (The Soul is amazing - 61 cu ft in a 163 inch car), Kia had to use a...
  11. S

    Massachusetts / New England

    The Bolt is now listed at several MA dealerships, both on CarGurus and on the dealer sites. I don't see actual lot pictures, so I'm guessing these are in transit. I see about a dozen listed in NA, both LT and Premier.
  12. S

    Cool little article on 10 neat Bolt features (from the engineers)

    >> Well to be fair they were talking about the battery heater, not the cabin heater. Missed that. I thought they were talking about a giant hair dryer for the cabin. That's better.
  13. S

    Cool little article on 10 neat Bolt features (from the engineers) Sorry if somebody else posted this. Ten things I hadn't read before. I call BS on the "we're really clever by using a resistance heater". That's actually crude engineering. Great marketing though - take...
  14. S

    Ms. Barra's '18 Bolt to-do list

    >> wait for Leaf2... GM made that choice really easy for anyone not living in CA. The tea leaf readers are all saying a Leaf 2 Geneva auto show unveil in March, and in dealers just a few weeks later. Nissan normally unveils replacements only a few weeks before you can buy, just so they don't...
  15. S

    stop bashing the "Bolt"

    I'll plead guilty to being a fanboy who turned into a negative fanboy. I was totally excited about the Bolt, up to and including sitting in it at the Hartford Auto Show. But I slowly soured as I learned about what I considered unacceptable faults. I could be turned into a fanboy again if they'd...
  16. S

    Do you think I'll be able to tow a small boat with the Bolt?'s%20Manual.pdf Page 246 of the online manual will hopefully educate those of you still ignorant and irresponsible enough to consider towing with the Bolt.I quote: "The vehicle is neither...
  17. S

    Do you think I'll be able to tow a small boat with the Bolt?

    ROTFL at both the original question, and several of the answers. The Bolt, like any other subcompact, is so totally unqualified to tow a boat (well, maybe a canoe), that it's an insanely laughable concept. Brakes: totally inadequate. Frame: totally inadequate. Suspension: totally inadequate...
  18. S

    One Week Bolt Review and Comparison with Prior Electric Cars

    Don't you just love reviews written by engineers? I do, but then again, I'm an engineer... One thought came to mind when he mentioned the seats were 15" wide. You know how 99% of us love to complain about narrow economy-class airline seats? Those are typically 16" to 18". Another interesting...
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    Initial impressions from a past Leaf owner

    >> What you doing with your LEAF? :) Maybe he'll mulch it...
  20. S

    Ms. Barra's '18 Bolt to-do list

    >> Journalists are notorious for tearing cars apart and nitpicking more than most owners do For the most part, this is no longer the case. Most of the Bolt reviews you're reading are pretty much the notes some millennial blogger took while on a media junket funded by the maker. You want to be...