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Chevy Bolt EV Forum

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  1. S

    is removing head rest safe?

    I'm asking a question, not stating an opinion. I've assumed that head rests exists to keep your neck from snapping in a frontal or rear aspect collision. So I'm puzzled to see reports on this forum that owners are removing head rests because they're uncomfortable. I'm asking, not stating. Is it...
  2. S

    How many actual Bolt owners on this forum?

    I think that's something like 40+ actual Bolt owners. So nice to have you folks giving us wannabees the lowdown on the true ownership experience.
  3. S

    Bolt Front Seats Recall Media Campaign

    Shame on me. #5 is a prediction, not a fact. I disseminated fake news.
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    Bolt Front Seats Recall Media Campaign

    I'd echo that last thought. There is no seat controversy. There are just incontestable facts. But they have to be stated precisely and without exaggeration in either direction. It's real easy to change a few words and make a misleading statement. 1. Some potential buyers have turned away from...
  5. S

    Can you lease the battery pack?

    As a potential Bolt buyer this fall (If the Leaf II doesn't steal me away), I'm wondering if battery leasing is or will be an option? I'm asking because I keep reading about lucky Nissan buyers worldwide who are doubling their range right now because they leased their batteries. It sure seems...
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    Massachusetts / New England

    Rocinante... Cool screen name. After Don Quixote or the lead ship in The Expanse?
  7. S

    Article on heavy Bolt discounting ($5,000 off in CA)

    I think the Bolt has a few very minor issues that are easily fixed as production rolls along. But I'd genuinely be shocked to hear anyone call it a "hunk of junk". It is what it is. An engineering and product team was tasked to deliver 200+ miles for $37,500, and make it happen in two calendar...
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    Drove 230 miles today

    When reporting exceptional range numbers, except possibly for an out and back where the wind doesn't shift direction or change velocity for the duration of the trip, it's always kind of important to know whether the wind helped you or not (and how much). It can be major, since air resistance is...
  9. S

    Article on heavy Bolt discounting ($5,000 off in CA)

    >> On top of that, aren't all cars generally discounted from MSRP? It seems to me that buying below MSRP is more like the norm, to begin with. My experience is that It depends on the timing, the car, and the location. As a rule the above statements are correct. Most savvy car buyers will pay...
  10. S

    Educate me - the great range debate

    I'd like to ask those of you who have actually owned any EV for an extended period of time (or for a Bolt owner, a few months), what's your take on this article? It's obvious more range is always better. Or is it?
  11. S

    How Much I Paid for My Bolt I accidentally started another thread before I realized this one existed. I make no claims for the above article - just ran across it, and it seemed appropriate here. Make your own evaluation of...
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    1000 mile owner mini-review

    I'll join in and make the most outlandish car experience claim ever. My most fun car (and I've owned 3 Miatas and a 93 Mazda Rx7-R1 "near supercar") was a homely Renault Le Car. I was 20, in college, and that under powered, unsafe, fabric sun roof, cheap hunk of junk gave me more pleasure than...
  13. S

    Article on heavy Bolt discounting ($5,000 off in CA) I don't vouch for this article. I just ran across it. I'd be interested in knowing what those of you who actually bought Bolts (30+ so far on this forum) think of it. Is the article...
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    How many actual Bolt owners on this forum?

    That's 32 so far. Sounds like March sales numbers might be a happy surprise for GM.
  15. S

    Massachusetts / New England

    The Springfield dealership has one. They had an order, and the customer backed out. Sitting there waiting to be claimed as of 15 March.
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    Massachusetts / New England

    So ASDL - after Tuesday's store, you should now be able to tell us how the Bolt drives in a blizzard, right?
  17. S

    How many actual Bolt owners on this forum?

    We're up to 26 now. Looking forward to all those real world ownership reports a few months down the road.
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    Massachusetts / New England

    That dealer was in Mendon. Could have been I just got a grouchy salesman that day.
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    Fit and Finish

    Not like I would have a clue, but I would guess that fit and finish costs money and time. And the journalists say Bolt had a tight schedule for both. A typical new vehicle development program runs anywhere from 4 years on the short end to 6 years on the long end. I understand the Bolt came...
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    It's an interesting thought that, for many owners, a light truck and a convertible are often third vehicles. And owners don't take them far from the house. Perfect candidates both for a short-range EV. My Ranger goes a grand total of 10 miles each week to the dump. My Miata maybe 50 miles each...